Part 93

737 19 6

Liam's PoV

My life was amazing

I have three adorable children and an fiancé

A pack that are supportive and loving

I heard a voice snapping me out of my thoughts


I turned around seeing Theo smiling holding Isabelle

"Where's Lori" I walked no up to them

"She's with mason and lydia"

I smiled kissing his lips then Isabelles cheek

"You know something we haven't booked yet"

"What" I frowned

"Our wedding" he whispered smirking

My eyes widened

"Trust me we will be married by the end of this year" he pecked his lips on mine before pulling away.

"I love you Li"

"And I love you too T"

"Hey you two Ashers party has ended" Isaac told us

"Ah okay we will be down in a bit" I smiled

"Can I take Isabelle?" he asked

"Of course" Theo chuckled passing the baby to him

Issac smiled before leaving the room

"Shall we go"

I nodded so we left the room going downstairs

"DADDIES" Asher ran to us

"Hey kiddo" Theo bent down kissing his son on the head

"So umm I heard you two are gonna plan your wedding"Scott smirked

"I forgot you can hear" I laughed

"Yes we are" Theo slid his arm around my waist

"Well I need to start heading I'm exhausted" malia yawned

"Me too"derek agreed

After a while the pack left leaving me and my family

"Okay can you take the girls to bed and I'll take Asher to bed"Theo asked
"Yes of course"

I picked both of the smiling twins up and started heading towards their room

"Okay Girls here you go"

I led them down next to each other giving them both their bottles

"Okay goodnight girls I love you"I turned the light off before leaving the room

"Finally I now get you all alone"

Theo popped out of no where scary me a bit

"God T you scared me" I laughed

"Sorry babe" he chuckled

"Anyways let's start this wedding planning" he held my hand taking me downstairs

"Okay let's begin"


I haven't posted in like 48990 days which I'm sorry 👀

7 chapters left !!!

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