Part 97

581 15 9

You may wanna read the last few chapters

Liam's PoV

I woke up to theo on the phone

"Okay I'll come let you in"

He hung up the phone seeing me awake

"Hey babe"

"Hey T" I smiled leaning up pecking his lips

"The kids are outside" he told me

"Go let them in then" I smiled

I slowly sat up looking for some clothes holding onto the desk

"You look very cute soon to me mr Raeken" he kisses the side of my head sliding his arms around my waist

"Theo go let the kids in" I chuckled turning around

"Fine fine you get some clothes on too"

Theos pov

I smiled at my soon to be husband before running downstairs

I opened the door seeing my little boy, girls and Lydia

"Hey Theo" Lydia smiled to me

"Hey lys"

"DADDY" Asher jumped up at me

"Hey little guy" I laughed kissing his cheek

"Hello girls" I kissed both Lori and Isabelle on the head.

"How have they been"

"All good, we did have a little insistent didn't we Asher"

"Noooooo" Asher ran upstairs

I laughed at my boy asking Lydia what happened

"He bit malia in werewolf form"

"Ooo was she alright"

"I mean she passed out which concerned us"

"What" I frowned

"I know we just though it might of been the Chimera in Asher"

"Might of been ill check his Fangs out"

"Yes good idea" "well I should get going it was nice seeing you"

"You too"

I gave her a quick hug and shut the door

Liam's PoV

"Dada!" I hear Ashers voice

"Hey Baby" I smiled picking him up

"How was your time at Lydia's"

"I had so my fun dada!"

"Good baby"

"I'm still getting ready so I need to put you down hunny" I went to put him down but got stared at my his golden yellow eyes


I felt a sharp pain on my arm.

He bit me


Everything went black

Theos PoV

"Okay girls you hungry?"

I walked into the kitchen quickly making two bottles

I led them down on the couch putting their favourite show on

"Daddy" I hear a little voice behind me

"Yes baby"

"Why is dada on the floor"

"What" I frowned

"Dada is laying in the floor upstairs"

My eyes widened

"Baby stay and watch your sister okay can you do that for me"

He nodded happily

"Okay be a good boy"

I ran upstairs into my room seeing Liam led in the floor

"Liam" I kneeled down checking his pulse

"Baby wake up" I whispered checking for any injuries

I saw a small bite mark on his arm

"Shit-!" I whispered to myself

I grabbed my phone failing dialling Scott's number

"Theo" he sounded confused
"Come to the house quickly,something is happening"
"What okay we are on our way don't panic"

I was panicking

Omg it's been ages 😭😭😭😭 I'm sorry I deleted the app for a while xx

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