Part 74

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Liam's PoV

It's been about 5 months since I found out I was pregnant and I get terrible hormones also me and Theo wanted a surprise so we don't know the gender

"Baby you okay in there" Theo asked

I was in the bathroom feeling terribly dizzy

"Y-yeah I-I'm f-fine" I shut my eyes

"Your heart says otherwise please open the door"

I stumbled to the door quickly unlocking it

"Thank god are you okay?"

I shook my head closing my eyes

"Dizzy" I whispered

He gently grabbed my hand taking me to the car.


Asher came running down jumping in the car

Theo helped me in and began driving

"Papa what's wrong?"

"Nothing baby it's ok"

"Is my sister/brother okay"

"Yeah their fine"

About 20 minutes later we arrived at Scott's house

Asher hopped out and knocked on the door

"Hey Asher where's you're parents?" Scott answered

"Scott I need Malissa"

Theo carries me into the house setting me on the couch

"What happened" Malissa ran down to Liam

"He told he was dizzy and couldn't see"

She nodded and lifted my shirt up revealing my baby bump

"Scott we need to take him to the hospital this isn't good"she looked scared

"What wrong" Theo asked

"I don't know it looks supernatual you might want peter and Derek"

Scott nodded and quickly began calling Derek

"GRANDPA PETER AND UNCLE DEREK"Asher screamed of excitement

"Their gonna meet us at the hospital"Scott told us

"Here Liam this will help"Malissa injected me with something making me fall asleep

Oop something is happening to Liam!!!!

I'll give you a hint

Miscarriage or early birth 😱😱

Sorry it's a late update but I hope you enjoyed it

Also I've made a new story but I'm nervous to release it!!

Also I've made a new story but I'm nervous to release it!!

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Also a Cora Hale One for female readers

Also a Cora Hale One for female readers

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