Part 70

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WE GOT TO PART 70!!!!!🥳🥳

thank you guys sooooo much I didn't think this story would get so many reads ❤️

I love reading your comments and I love responding so if you have any questions you wanna ask I will answer.

Anyways Let's begin


"Congratulations your pregnant"Deaton Smiled

"W-What..."I began shaking

"Hey baby it's okay we will get through this like we did with Asher. He will have a younger sibling and we will have another baby"Theo Kissed my lips

"I'll give you guys a moment." Deaton Smiled And Walked out

"A-another" I smiled

"Yes baby we going to be parents of 2"Theo Chuckled

I giggled and Flung my arms around him

"I love you soooooooo much" I Yelled making him grin

"Wanna go tell the others"

"YES!" I screamed and dragged him out.

We arrived at Scott's house and knocked on the door

"Oh my god hey you two come in" Issac opened it

We walked in and saw Scott sat on the couch

"Hey guys" Scott Smiled

"H-hey" I smiled back

"So what brings you here" they both say at the same time laughing

"U-um" I rubbed my belly making their eyes widen.

"YOUR PREGNANT"Scott screamed and jumped off the couch

"Yeah" I giggled

"OHHHH MMMMYYYY GOOOODDDDD" He shrieked hugging me tight

"I can't breathe" I grinned

He apologised and smiled

"I can't believe it another pup"

I giggled and held Theo's hand in mine


"Thank you so much"

After about half an hour we left Scott's house and arrived at the stlinski house hold

"Hello boys"the sheriff answered the door

"Hi is stiles home" Theo asked

He nodded and let us in


we heard stiles running down the stairs Then stood there smiling

"Hello Friends" he pulled us both in a hug still smiling

"Soo Why you here" he asked

I didn't respond and just pointed at my belly

"Omg" his eyes widened

"YOUR!" I gasped

"Yeah" I smiled


"Well we thought that because mason and Corey are godparents to Asher maybe you and Derek can be Godparents for this one" Theo told him

He looked at us with teary eyes before nodding like mad

"OMG IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU" he pulled me in his arms crying of joy

"I'm so happy for you congratulations"

We chuckled and he let me go

"Well what are you waiting for go tell the others" he smirked

We chuckled and left his house Making our way to mason and Corey's house

Another baby!!!!!! 😁😁😁

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