Part 35

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I woke up in Liam's bedroom with the whole pack surrounding me

Liam on the bed holding my hand with tears in his eyes, Scott on the chair next to Issac Lydia sat next to Liam, and the rest standing in the doorway

I groaned trying to get up

"Theo"Liam voice broke.

"It's okay baby I'm here" I groaned and held his hand

"Theo what happened we were watching Tvd then suddenly Liam screamed in pain." Scott Worriedly asked me

"I was attacked by hunters and one of them stabbed me with a knife" I pointed at my shoulder were the cut was before it healed.

"Thank god your okay." Liam hugged he tightly

I sat up groaning. Suddenly Scott got a call from a Unknown

"Scott McCall"

"Who is this"

"No one just going to tell you that wounded one of your bêtas But don't worry no wolfsbane was on it but just to let you know that bêta will be dead by the end of tonight,I believe the name was Theo Raeken the Bêta Chimera that can be poisoned with wolfsbane and Mercury"

Call ended

"No no no no" Liam panicked
"Hey hey baby I'll be fine Okay" I gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead .

"Okay we're all staying here tonight to protect Theo." Scott announced

"I don't need babysitters"
"Yes you do" Isaac snapped

I finally gave up and we all came down stairs but stopped when we saw about 20 hunters outside

"Shitt!!" Scott pushes me behind him
"Mason take Liam and Theo upstairs...NOW" Scott yelled as mason grabbed it wrists taking us in the bathroom and locked the door.

"Theo please stay here" Liam Grabbed my arm begging me
"Don't worry baby I'm not going anywhere" I kissed him on the lips


A hunter was trying to get in

Me and Mason ran to the door pushing against it.

Suddenly the hunter go in and locked mason out pointing the gun at Liam.

"Who's Theo Raeken" We both didn't respond


"I AM" I screamed so Liam would get hurt

He stared at me and shot me twice in the leg and one Directly in my stomach.

I sceamed and hit the ground I hear Liam Scream From pain but more worry
"THE BABY" Liam Sceamed And Ran over the the Hunter that attacked me and punched him hard. I see the hunter run away and Liam fell to the ground crawling to me.

"Theo" I was struggling to breathe

"L-Liam a-are y-you Okay"

"Don't worry about me your Hurt."

"L-Liam I-I'm Fine the b-baby I-is h-he O-Okay" blood was now pouring out of my mouth which made Liam more scared

"H-He's Fine Theo please Don't leave me!" Liam screamed.

"I'm tired" Liam was now sobbing.
"I know baby just stay awake don't leave me and Our son please stay awake"

I weakly grabbed his Hands.
"I love you Liam don't forget that okay baby"
"I love you too" I see Scott and the rest run in Covered in blood
"OMG THEO" Scott ran to me and Liam

"What happened"
"I-I-I was s-shot—GAHH..." I yelled in pain

"He was shot in the leg t-twice and the stomach" Liam Shakily explained

"I don't k-know I-if the b-baby is o-Okay" Liam cried out

I felt Scott pick me us in a bridle way Then placing me in the back seat on his car with Liam..

"L-Liam I'm s-So s-sorry" I put my hand on his neck still struggling to breathe.
"Theo please stay with me we're almost at deatons" Liam begged me

I nodded
"Okay" I breathed out

The car stopped and Scott Immediately
Carried me inside.

"I'm sorry but we're Close-"

Scott Carefully places me on the table

"GAHHH" I screamed. I heared liam groan probably the mate thingy

"I'm s-sorry Li" Mason had Liam in his arms stopping him from running to me again.

Deaton attempted to get the Stomach Bullet but I Growled and tried to get him with my claws but was stopped by Malia

"Um Scott can I talk to you"

I see Scott mods and they walked away.

Using my Werewolf hearing I listened to scott and deaton

"It's not good the bullets are covered in  Mercury, it would be fine for a full Werewolf but Theo's a chimera it's like poison to him."

"What are you saying"

"I'm saying there's no way of saving him he's got about 30 minutes left."

I stopped listening and looked at Liam crying.
"Liam please s-say goodbye"
"No your not gonna die" he held my hand tight.
"Yes i am Baby please s-say good-bye"

"I-I-i love y-y-you" I took my last breathes before closing my eyes for once.

Liam's PoV

I saw Theo taking his last breathe the closing his eyes.

My eyes Winded when I couldn't hear a heartbeat.
"No no no no THEO NO!" I shock his lifeless body

Scott ran in wrapping his arms around me

"I DIDN'T GET TO SAY IT BACK" I screamed. I got out of Scott's Grip and Shoved all the things off the shelves crying.

"Liam calm down its not healthy for the baby."

"He can't be dead no he's not dead I won't believe he's dead please NO" I ran over to my lifeless boyfriend body

"Liam please calm down"

Scott pulled me in his embrace as I sobbed on his shoulder.

"He l-left me!" I cried louder.


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