Part 29

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Liam's POV

I woke up on Scott's Couch at 01:43 cuddling Theo when I got a sudden urge to Throw up.

I ran to the bathroom and ran to to toilet throwing up.

"Hey are you okay...OMG Liam" I saw Melissa walk in and rubbing my back.

"Yeah I'm Okay" I flushed the toilet
"Werewolves can't get sick you alright."

"Scott didn't tell you.I'm pregnant a supernatual pregnancy"

"OH my god liam" I threw up again.

"Ugh I hate this"
"Come I'll make you chicken soup it always helped me when I was pregnant with Scott" she helped me up and we both slowly walked into the kitchen

After soup

"I better go back to sleep thank you Malissa" I smiled at her

"Your very welcome if any problem fill free to come to me I am a nurse after all" she chuckled

I nodded and walked back to Theo snuggling into his arms

The next morning

I woke up to someone shaking me

"Liam,liam" I opened my eyes to see Corey trying to wake me up

"What!" I kick him off of me and sat up

"Get up Theo is in his car waiting for you"

"Okay" I yawned and stumbled to the car.

"Hey baby" Theo chuckled as I sat next to him in his car.

"Hi" Theo leaned over and softly kissed my plumped lips.

"Your mom messaged me wanting you back home for dinner" I hesitantly nodded and he started the car

At my house

"We're here Li" Theo called out and I crawled out of the car.

I slowly stepped into my home to see my parents sat at the table with food in front of then and two plates next to them.

"Hello Liam Hello Theo" my mother hugged us both.

"Sit And eat" my mom told us as I sit next to her and Theo sat next to me.

"So What is this about?"

"After your little stunt yesterday with your so-called Alpha we need more explaining."

"Umm a-about What"

"About this pregnancy"


"I'll explain. So a bêta can become pregnant doesn't matter the gender but they both need to be supernatual" Theo slid his hand on my thigh.

"S-So it's true your pregnant at 17."


"Have you thought of adoption or abortion" I father asked

I could sence Theo Anger so I held his hand in mine.

"Mr greyer I would NEVER take another life again this is your grandchild and You want to kill it, Wow For people who's been parents your fucking bad at it"
Theo stood up in rage.

"T it's okay let's just go upstairs" I pulled him to my room

"I'm sorry Li I lost control" i pulled him into a tight hug.

"Its okay they T took it too far"

"God I love you baby" he lightly kisses the top of my head.

We both lay on the bed cuddling when I feel Theo's hand wrapping around my waist.

"I'll protect you and this baby even if it causes my life" tears began escaping his eyes letting me cuddle him more.

"So would I would I"

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