Part 37

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Theo's PoV


"OH MY GOD THEO" he hugged me Tightly crying

"Hi baby" I said Chuckling

"Y-you left me" He was now hardly crying

"I know I'm So sorry Baby boy." A couple tears Began escaping my eyes.

"Theo?" I hear deaton Come in

"How is this possible" he checked my shot wounds Which were now all healed, the mercury was all out but all on my clothes.

"I-I don't know" I stuttered

"I need to do some tests" he Got out his Syringe thingy and stared taking my blood.

"Wait wait the baby is he okay" I started to panic.

"He's okay" Liam smiled Wide before hugging me again.

"I love you Theo don't you Dare leave me again okay!"

"I love you too baby and I promise I won't ever leave" I planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

"Let's go home okay" I nodded and Slowly got up.

"Theo think you should stay here for the night" stiles Was really concerned

"No stiles really its okay I'm with Liam I'll be fine." I gave him a soft smile which he gladly returned .

We both headed to the car And Liam drove back home.

"Liam baby"
"Can I t-tell you something?"

"S-So when I d-died I was back in the morge. I thought you guys put me there as I was dead but then I heard Tara calling for me, When she found me she shoved her hand grabbing my heart and saying I don't deserve happiness like before then ripped it out. I woke up again but instead of her voice I heared yours calling for me So I followed your voice then I saw a bright light and when I Walked through then I woke up in your arms.You saved me Liam I don't know how to thank you enough" I could hear Liam quietly crying

"You already thanked me by Being here with me being alive,I love you so much Theo" a sadly smiled at him and Kisses his lips.

It was a soft but very Passionate.

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