Part 86

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Liam's PoV

We ran all the way to Scott's house and with a few barks at this door it finally opened by Mrs McCall

"Oh dear..umm SCOTT" she panicked

'Will Scott know it's us' I asked Theo

'He'll sense it...I hope'

Suddenly Scott came to the door instantly smiling

"So you evolved Liam. Hello Theo" he opened the door letting us walk in

I jumped on the couch followed by Theo

"So how is it Liam as a wolf" Scott asked then laughing knowing I couldn't respond

'Can we talk to them while wolf form' I asked Theo

"No sadly but they can sense what we are thinking which I don't think Scott knows about' he chuckled

I playfully rolled my eyes smiling

"I'm inviting the pack for a party you two can borrow some clothes if it will fit on you Liam" he laughed

We both run to Scott's room and turned back to human

I blushed seeing we were both completely naked

"Oh baby don't be shy how many times have we seen each other with out clothes"he grinned walking up to me wrapping his arms around my naked waist pulling me closer (yes hugging idk how to put it)

"T we should be getting ready" I smiled

"True but your so warm" he mumbled

I giggled pulling away grabbing a outfit passing it to him

"Put this on"

He smiled And began changing into the outfit I gave him

He smiled And began changing into the outfit I gave him

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"I don't have a shirt" he laughed

"What a shame" I smirked tracing my hands down his Abs

"Now you put this on"

"This will be too big in me" I frowned

"Come on you'll look cute"

I sighed and began putting the clothes on

I sighed and began putting the clothes on

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(Pretend the clothes are baggier)

"You look so adorable" you smiled kissing my lips gently

"Also kids where are our kids I miss them"I frowned slightly pouting

"Baby listen the the outside" he smirked

I concentrated on the sounds around me
•stiles and derek laughing
•Ashers giggles
•Lori and Isabelle crying
•Lydia and Malia panicking

I grabbed Theo's hand running down the stairs

"DADDYS" Asher literally screamed

The 3 year old ran toward us both hugging our legs

"Hi ash" Theo kneeled down playing with the toddler

"Theo no shirt let me guess.Liam chose it" Scott laughed after he nodded

We walked over to Malia and Lydia taking Lori while Theo took Isabelle

"I can't believe their already 2 months old" Theo softly smiled kissing all 4 of us on the forehead

"You guys are so adorable"Isaac Playfully rolled his eyes

"Guys me and Isaac have something to say" Scott announced

"Our wedding is in a week time and your all invited, little Asher you can walk down the aisle with us two" Scott smiled at the child

"YAYYYY UNCLE ISAAC AND SCOTTY ARE MARRIED" Asher called his hands in excitement

"Congratulations we will all be there"Lydia hugged the two boys followed by everyone else

"I'm hungry" Asher took Theo's hand Dragging him to the kitchen

Theo's PoV

Asher dragged me into kitchen obviously wanting food

"Can I have cookies" he asked pointing at the top shelf

"How can you even see that high" I chuckled

I grinned flashing his golden eyes at me

"Alright but don't tell your dad"

He giggled grabbing the cookies out of my hand running back where the others are

"Ash" I shouted after him chasing the kid around

"ALRIGHT LETS CELEBRATE" Stiles screamed putting loud ass music on


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