Part 75

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Theo's PoV

"What's going on"Derek and the others came rushing in

"Look here there's black lines going up his back he's been poisoned by wolfsbane only a 20% chance the baby will be okay"Deaton told us

"And Liam" I asked


I growled glowing my eyes at him

"Theo calm down we will figure something out"Scott pulled me back

"I can't loose him please do something"I begged

Malissa and Deaton nodded walking up to Liam

"Ok emergency C-section no problem"Malissa sighed

"Can I stay with him" I looked at them with tears in my eyes

"Of course Theo just sit there hold his hand"

I nodded quickly doing as I was told

"Ok let's take him to the surgery room"Malissa began tAking him out

"Scott"I whispered not really trusting my voice

"Yes Theo"

"They could die, my family could die right now I won't be able to handle that and take after my son please do something"

"I can't Theo" he sadly smiled

"Can't you do something alpha like Liam's your beta please Scott" I was now crying

"I'm sorry Theo the best thing we can do is hope for the best"

I nodded and ran into the room with Liam sitting next to him

"You can do this baby come on fight" I whispered

"Ok starting" the first nurse called out

They began doing the surgery while Deaton checks out the black lines on Liam

"Theo come here"

I slowly walked up to him


"Touch that" he pointed at a line on him

I gently touched it but got burnt

"AH" I hissed

"It's mercury,it won't effect Liam but your baby is part chimera it will effect them"

"Can you do something"

"Yes I can on adult but newborns not so much"


"There's two of them!"

Dun dun duuuunnnnnnn

Also it's like 5 in the morning in England and I'm not sleeping 😢😢

Also sorry it's short next will be longer! Promise

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