Part 92

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Liam's PoV

Me and Theo Completely decorated the house for Asher which I was pretty proud of.

"Morning luv"

I smiled saying good morning back.

"DADDIES!!!" Asher came bursting in our room.

"Happy birthday baby" I smiled Letting him up in the bed

"I'll go see if the girls are up" I left to room

"Lori, Isabelle" I called out

I see the two beautiful girls still fast asleep.

I smiled closing the door letting them sleep.

"Liam the pack is here" I hear Theo say

I ran down seeing the pack walking in.

Asher and Derek where play fighting in the corner making me smile, Derek was being so gentle

"Daddy can I open my presents!" Asher asked me

"Of course baby" I chuckled seeing him run towards the table

He has about 10 presents from me and Theo and more from the pack.

<after the presents>

"THANK YOU DADDIES AND THANK YOU AUNTS AND UNCLES" he giggled giving us all a hug

Suddenly we all heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it"Isaac said walking towards the door


"Missing someone" he smirked holding a bag up

"GRANDPA" Asher sprinted towards him

"Hiya pumpkin" he smiled

"I got you something"

"A TOY CAR" he squealed showing me and Theo

"A TOY CAR" he squealed showing me and Theo

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"Can we open it"

"Sure here I'll do it" Theo smiled taking the box and began assembling it

"Okay Asher birthday boy what song we playing" Isaac asked


"Oh god" Isaac laughed

Suddenly I hear quiet crying from the twins

"Oh the twins are up,I'll be back"

"Hii girls you guys hungry" I chuckled picking them both up

I hurried downstairs

"Anyone wanna feed one of the twins"

"Ohhhhh meee" Lydia ran up carefully taking Lori out of my arms

"And me!!" Stiles said taking Isabelle out of my arms

"Ooooookk" i laughed handing them a bottle for the twins

"Asher your cars ready" I hear Theo shout from the living room


I entered the living seeing Theo walk up to me

"Hi baby"

"Hi" I smiled pulling him in for a kiss

He smiled through the kiss then pulling away

"What time is Ashers friend arriving"

"About 30 minutes" I replied

"Alright then"

He connected our lips again making me smile

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