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wedding day

theos pov

"for fuck sake lydia the tie is too short"

"theo stop panicking okay"

"sorry its just today needs to be perfect"

"of course i sorted everything"

"there's even an after party"

lydia smiled at me beofre helping me with the buttons

"okay theo you ready?" isaac called out to me

"where the hell have you been man i haven't seen you in ages" i have isaac a hug

"i haven't gone out a lot man" he smiled

"you getting in the car or what" he laughed

"oh yeah"

i got in the car and off we went

by the time we arrived all the guests were sat down

"okay ash remember what i said. hold this basket and just throw theses flowers okay" i told the toddler

he nodded and ran onto the aisle

i chuckled before it was time for me to walk out

scott and derek were my groomsmen and isaac as my best man
i began walking down the aisle with the boys

everyone stood up until i got the the altar

about 5 minutes went by until liam finally came walking down with the twins,lydia,malia

i smiled at liam which he happily returned back

"hey baby wolf"i smiled

"hi T" i smiled
we held hands waiting for the wriest to preist

"hello everyone today we are all gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Theo Reaken and liam dunbar"

"theo Raeken will you please repeat these words"

"I, theo reaken"

"i theo raeken"

"take you, liam dunbar"

"take you liam dunbar"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband"

" to have and to hold, from this day forward"

" to have and to hold, from this day forward"

"for better, for worse"

"for better, for worse"

"for richer, for poorer"

"for richer, for poorer"

"in sickness and in health"

"in sickness and in health"

"until death do us part."

"until death do us part"

"liam dunbar will you please repeat these words"

"I, liam dunbar "

"i liam dunbar "

"take you, theo reaken"

"take you theo raeken"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband"

"to be my lawfully wedded husband"

" to have and to hold, from this day forward"

" to have and to hold, from this day forward"

"for better, for worse"

"for better, for worse"

"for richer, for poorer"

"for richer, for poorer"

"in sickness and in health"

"in sickness and in health"

"until death do us part."

"until death do us part"

"before we continue does anyone like to object the wedding"

"no okay carrying on"

"theo reaken would you like to say your vows"

"yes your honour"

"liam ever since day one i knew we had a connection,you are the reason i stayed in Beacon hills" i smiled

liam started tearing up making me smile at him

"i promise you i will be here for you through everything, you gave me 3 amazing children, you gave me strength to carry on"

"there are things i can't say in front of everyone here but you know exactly what i want to say" i chuckled

"thank you liam for being the best thing that's ever happened to me. I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving"

i smiled stroking his hand

"liam dunbar would you like to say your vows"

"that was honestly amazing" liam smiled

"i don't even think i can compare to that" he laughed

"but theo Reaken i love everything about you" he sniffed

"i promise to care,to be supportive and to be there through everything. i want to spend the rest of my life loving and caring for you" he smiled

"i want to give you everything more kids my love everything"

"i promise to be loyal,caring,patient,confident,and to be honest with you"

"thank you theo"

"one more question until we get into the i dos" the priest smiled at us both

"Are you btoh prepared , as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?"

"i am" i said smiling

"i am" liam also smiled

"will the best man and bridesmaids like to pass on the rings"

isaac gave me the ring which i slid onto liams finger

lydia gave liam the ring which to slid onto my finger

"okay then do you Theo Reaken take liam dunbar to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live"

"i do"

"okay and do you liam dunbar take theo reaken to be your lawfully wedded husband as long as you both shall live"

"i do"

"i am happy to say i announce you husband and husband"

"you may kiss the husband"

i connected our lips with smoothly made rhythm with his

everyone started clapping and cheering

"haha i love baby wolf"

"i love you too"

Guys i am so sorry i deleted this app for months but i am back now ❤️❤️

this book is finally finish and honestly i hope you guys liked it

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