Part 39

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Liam's PoV

4 months later

The room was Quite no one dared to talk until.

"Liam" Theo crawled next to me
"Hey Theo"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

"Aww you two just make me feel single" Aiden Whined

I smiled and Theo rubbed his hand
Across my 8 month pregnant stomach

Suddenly a huge kick was made by the little boy wolf in me

"Damn he's strong" Theo chuckled

"Very strong" I rested my head on his chest.

"Hey GUYS!" stiles Screamed out which made me Whine from how loud he was

"Stiles shh Liam's 8 mouths pregnant"
Scott Scolded his best friend.

I felt a big painful kick that made me Scream.

"Liam baby what's wrong" Theo Panicky asked
"He's kicking painful GAHH" I held my stomach in pain

"DEATON" Lydia Ran to her car to get the vet

"T-Theo" a bunch of tears came pouring down my face.

"What wrong"
"H-he's coming"  I yelled out

Theo Saw Deaton arrive.

"Ok he's very early Theo comfort him and can the werewolves,coyotes and chimera if you can take his pain at the same time "

We all nod.Scott and Issac grab my Left shoulder, Malia on my right shoulder,Derek holding my left hand and Theo holding my right hand

"Now" they began taking my pain.

Deaton pleases a blanket under me and Theo gently pulled my Jeans off.

"Ok on the count of 3 push ok" I nodded


I pushed as hard as I can


Then again

Until I heard little cries

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