Part 88

942 19 5

Theo's PoV

We are currently at the after party.

Me and Liam were sat in a corner watching Asher playing with stiles

"HAHA I WIN" We hear Ashers voice laugh out

"Dammit your not using werewolf senses are you" he raised an eyebrow

"Maybe a little" he giggled

"Come here you!" Stiles began chasing the giggling kid around the room

"I love this"Liam said staring into my eyes

"I love being here with you and our 3 beautiful children" he smiled gently pressing our lips together

"Ewwww gross"

We pulled away seeing Asher with a disgusted expression on his face

We pulled away laughing as I picked the toddler up

"Daddys uncle Scott and Isaac are cutting da cake can I have some" he pouted

"Of course baby but Only if you get me some"I smirked

He widely smiling jumping out of my arms running towards Scott who was giving out cake

"You better share" Liam pointed at me Grinning

"Maybe if there's enough" I chuckled pulling him into a small kiss

"I love you baby" I whispered in his ear

"I love you too T"

"Can you too stop being so lovely dovely for a moment and help with you daughters" Lydia smiled at us both passing us are kids

(Liam was holding Lori and I was holding Isabelle)

"Hi cuties" I smiled at the little girl staring at me

"We really do have a beautiful family" Liam said

"DADDYS I have cake" Asher giggled giving us two plates with cake on them

"Thank you Angel" I kissed his forehead lifting him on my lap letting him eat his cake

"Ok we're off now bye everyone" Malia and Lydia waved good bye then left

"Yh we might go too byee" stiles grabbed dereks hand pulling him out laughing

"We might as well go too then" Liam told me

"Yh come on" I picked Asher up as Liam had the girls in the push chair

"Bye uncle Scott and Isaac" Ash ran over and hugged the married couple legs

"Bye kiddo" Scott kissed the top of his head

"Bye Scott bye Isaac and congratulations" Liam hugged them two

"Congress"I smiled as we walked out to my car

"Ok little munchkin come here" I chased Asher who was giggling around the car

"GOT YA"no smiled picking him but spinning around

"Okay you two get in the car" Liam pointed at us both

I laughed as I help the toddler in the car

"I'll drive"

Liam nodded throwing the keys at me

At home

We arrived home And the kids were fast asleep

"I'll put the twins to Bed can you take ash"

I nodded quickly stealing a kiss making him smile

"Come here baby" I picked Asher up taking him up to his room

"Goodnight baby" I whispered gently kissing his forehead before turning the lights off

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"Goodnight baby" I whispered gently kissing his forehead before turning the lights off.

Once I arrived into mine and li's room I took my clothes off (yes naked but underwear is on)laying on the bed on my phone

"Damn" I hear a voice coming from the door

I smirked opening my arms for him to hug

He climbed on the bed cuddling me

"Baby you know we should start planning our wedding"I smiled

He nodded grinned grabbing his phone

"I already have a few plans"

"These are perfect" I smiled connecting our lips

Liam climbed onto my lap as I slid my hand up his shirt

I flipped us over so I was on top of him

"I fucking love you" I pulled away staring in his eyes

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"I fucking love you" I pulled away staring in his eyes

"I love you too" he whispered pulling me back in for a kiss


how is everyone today?

School starts on 11th March Which I'm not happy about 😂😂

Anyways please enjoy the rest on your day

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