Part 94

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(I have no idea how to plan wedding but I tried😂😂)

Theo's PoV

Me and Liam stayed up all night planning our wedding and booking it. Now we were just waiting for a date

"Okay babe I'm gonna call the church now okay" I chuckled seeing his smile

"Hello this is ***** church how may I help"
"Umm yeah do you have a booking for a wedding"
"Yes of course is that Bride and groom or-"
"Two grooms"
"Yes we can do a wedding for you and your Fiancé, can I ask for the groom and grooms name"
"Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken"
"Can I ask spelling"
"D-u-n-b-a-r. R-a-e-k-e-n"
"Okay It's booked for the..."

Liam's PoV
I was watched writing things down while on the phone

I was nervous.I didn't want it to be far from now

"Thank you so much" I heard Theo assay before he hung up the phone


He smiled widely before picking me up spinning me around

"I have the date"he smiled

"When is it"

"It's the"

He whispered me the date

"OH MY GOD that's so soon" I shouted/whispered smiling

"I know" He smiled

"We should tell the pack"

"Of course"

"It's 10:30 might as well invite the pack over now"I laughed

"Yeah and surprisingly I'm not tired"


"Okay I'll invite the pack can you check in the kids" he asked

"Yeah of course"

I left the room and Into The girls room

A few hours later when the pack arrived

"So what the important news" Isaac asked

"Well me and Theo booked our wedding yesterday"

"That's great news" Lydia smiled

"So Do you have the date" stiles asked

"Yep" we both said at the same time.

"30th August"

"THATS IN SIX DAYS"stiles cheered pulling us both in a hug

"Oh my god congratulations" Scott smiled

"We need to go get your outfit soon"mason smiled pulling me and Theo in a hug

"Can we say something" Scott asked pulling Isaac close to him

"Of course" Lydia grinned probably already knowing

If your wondering where Malia and Derek where they are on the couch chilling

"Baby wanna tell them" Scott gave him a small smile

"Well I-I'm pregnant" issac announced

We all (except Lydia) stood in shock

"CONGRATULATIONS" we all cheered

"Uncles will i have baby cousins" Asher asked smiling

"Yes you will baby" Scott smiled

"YAYYYY" he giggled running around

"The pack went into the kitchen but leaving me and Scott alone"

"Congratulations Scott" I smiled pulling him in a hug

"Thanks liam, also congratulations on planning the wedding"

He smiled making me smile.

"You both we be amazing parents and remember I'll babysit whenever" I told him

"Thank you li,I bet Asher will be an amazing Older kind of cousin" he chuckled

"Yep" I laughed

"How about we all watch a movie" Malia asked

"Ooo yes how about the new Cruella film" stiles said

"Get comfy everyone" Theo said putting the film on

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