Part 69

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A couple weeks later
Liam's PoV

"Baabbyyy!!!" I whined with my eyes closed.

"Yes your highness" Theo Chuckled And crawled on the bed with me

"I don't feel well" I pouted cuddling him

"We can't get sick baby" he kissed the top of my head.

"But I do..." I whined still pouting

"Alright then let's go to deatons later okay"

I nodded then our bedroom door burst open.

"DADA PAPA I WANNA JOIN" Asher giggled and jumped on us

We laughed And Asher Snuggled into us

"Can I go to grandpa peter today" he pouted

"Of course baby we will drop you off later okay" Theo Smiled ruffling the childs hair

"Li you okay"

I nodded slowly kissing Theo and Ashers cheek

They both giggled and kissed me back.

"Alright Asher you go in Your room go watch some TV I'll come help you get dressed okay" Theo told him

Asher nodded and ran out of our room

"Liam what's going on? are you okay?"theo turned to me with a serous face

"I-I don't know I don't feel well" I looked at him with tears In my eyes.

"Alright come on We will go to deatons" he pulled me in his embrace

I inhaled taking in his smell.

"God I love you baby" Theo kisses my head

"I love you too" I mumbled in his arms.

At deatons

Me and Theo dropped Asher at the hale loft and then we arrived at the vet.

"I'm scared" I looked up at the Chimera pouting

He chuckled and pecked my lips.

We entered the building instantly getting greeted by Deaton

"Hello Liam Hello Theo" he smiled

"Hi Deaton" Theo said for me as he saw I didn't want to talk

"How may I help you"

"So Liam told me he was feeling sick all day and we can't get sick" Theo Ran his fingers through my hair

"Ah Alright Liam May I ask you to sit down"

Liam nodded and sat down lightly pouting.

"I need you to take this test for me" he handed me a pregnancy test

"Pregnancy test I-I'm not p-pregnant" I stuttered

"Just go do it Theo will be here"

I nodded slowly walking in the bathroom


"What does 2 lines mean"

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