Part 73

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This picture I just a full mood 😂😂😳


We arrived at Scott's house and Malia let us in

"Heyyyyy guys" stiles Ran in

"Uncle stiles where's uncle Corey" Asher asked innocently making stiles fake cry

"YOUR SOOOO CUTE OMG" he fake sobbed

Asher giggled tugging on my hand which he held

"Hey look baby uncle Corey is there" I pointed in the corner where Morey was.

He screamed from excitement and ran up to him jumping in his arms.

I smiled and walked to the couch laying on it.

"Baby You feeling alright"Theo led beside me

"No I feel achy"I pouted and snuggled in his chest

"Oh baby just sleep ok I'll tell you what the meeting is about" He began playing with my hair

I nodded and closed my eyes

"I love you" I mumbled

"I love you too li"

Ashers PoV

(Never really done a Asher PoV so here😂)

"Boo"I whispered in masons ear making him scream

"AHH OH MY GOD ASHER"he screamed and laughed

Corey made me and him invisible

I giggled and let go of Corey making me visible again

"Sorry uncle mase"I pouted

He smiled and kissed my forehead
"Can I have a cookie?"

"your papa is asleep so go ask you dada"

I nodded and ran to my dad

"Dada can I have a cookie"

"Baby have whatever you'd like you don't need to ask" he chuckled

I nodded and ran back into the kitchen with my uncles

Theo's PoV

I smiled as my son ran out.

I stared at my beautiful fiancé sleeping on My lap smiling

"Stop staring"

I jumped from the sudden voice making him giggle

"I thought you were asleep"

"I was but then a little child asked for a cookie" he smiled

I chuckled and gentle placed my lips on his

"I love you"He grinned

"Love you too baby blue"

"Ooo new nickname"

"I like it"

"Good because that's what imma call you from now"

He giggled and rested his head on my shoulder putting on the tv

"What should we watch?"

"Shadowhunters looks like a good show" I recommend

"Ooo yes" he put It on and grabbed my hand playing with my fingers

"Your such a kid"

"Hehe I know"

Here is what Asher looks like

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Here is what Asher looks like

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