Part 23

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Sstilinski: fun party yesterday 😉

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Sstilinski: fun party yesterday 😉

@iamthehotgirl,Idungood, T.Raeken liked this post and 560,000 others liked the post,
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Iamthehotgirl: it was Liam and Theo disappeared half way through😏😉

Deerlover: I cant really remember what happened yesterday

T.raeken: I can perfectly @idungood 😉

Issaclayhey:it was fun

Idungood: 🙈 @T.Raeken

Sourwolf: damn looking like a snack

Sstilinski: @sourwolf ❤️❤️

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Liam's PoV

"Baby you okay" Theo laughed at me because I had my hands on my head from my hangover.

"No!"I whined like a baby along grabby hands towards Theo.

He lays down next to me and I put my head on his chest listing to his heartbeat

"How do you not have a hangover" I groaned

"Because I didn't drink as mush as you did" he smiled and began stroking my hair

I give him a soft kiss and began to fall asleep.

Couple hours

I woke up basically led on top of Theo

"Hello sleeping beauty"

"Hmm" I groaned snuggling my head more into his chest making him chuckle.

I was trying to get comfortable but accidentally smacked my foot on the night stand making me whine in pain. I suddenly hear Theo groan

"Ow" he laughed

"I forgot we are mates and we can feel each other's pain" I said in my low tone

"Common let's watch a movie"
My face lit up and he laughed

"Okay but we need popcorn and I get to pick the movie and cuddles" I pout

"wow I dating a giant baby" Theo laughed at me

Theo went down stairs and got popcorn and I put the vampire Diaries On.


About 4 hours past and I hear a knock on my door.

"what?" I say when I see Issac walks in

"Boys it's Scott's birthday tomorrow and I need help"I began panicking

"What is it"theo wrapped his arms around my waist after feeling the coldness I was feeling.

"First you two look soo cute and second....Iwanttoproposetoscott!" He bursted our making my eyes widen .

I got up and hugged him

"I'm go happy for you.OMG I HAVE THREE PARENTS NOW" I was jumping from happiness

"Who are the first two" Theo asked me
"Scott and stiles, Scott's my father and stiles is my mother" they both laughed at me and Issac reached in his pocket

"I went to a ring shop for the ring do here it is"

"Wow that's beautiful" theo held it in his hand examining it

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"Wow that's beautiful" theo held it in his hand examining it.
"OMG ISSAC THATS BEAUTIFUL! When is it happening?"

"Tomorrow night I have made a big date night and I want it to be special" i began tearing up and hugged him again

Issac chuckled and patted my head then left.

"MY ALPHA IS ABOUT TO ME ENGAGED!!" I screamed and heard theo Laugh

"Baby come on its 11PM"
I ran over to him giving a peck on his cheek then running to the bedroom

Theo Laughed loudly and followed me

"night night Theodore."I teased
"Oo don't call me Theodore" he began tickling me making me giggle

"Good night baby boy." He whispered in my ear making me shiver

"Good night"

Hello guys I just realised that Liam's parents haven't been mentioned in this so I'm putting them in the next chapter.

Mr and Mrs Geyer

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