Part 63

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Theo's POV.

I woke up again in a dark room tied up to a electric fence thingy

My shirt was off which left me In just Jeans

"HELLO" I yelled out


"Of course silly who do you think took you here"a feminine psychotic laugh was heard

"Who are you?"

"You worst nightmare"the woman Giggled and turned the lights on

"Kate"I groaned

"Hi Theo" she giggled

"What do you want!"

"I want.......You" she smirked and made her way to me.

"No one is going to save you. Not even that disgusting Mate if yours"

I growled loudly trying to get out.

"nah ahah you can't get out"

"Fuck You"

She sighed and Grabbed a remote with a big red button.

She pressed the button Triggering the electric fence.

I screamed trying to claw my way out.

"Don't EVER talk to me like that"

She ran her finger Across my bare chest making me growl showing my Fangs

"If Liam's finds you he will be so mad smelling me all over you" she smirked

She chuckled and left me in the room alone.

I sighed of relief.

Wait if I make a cut or something on me Liam Will Get the same injury

I got my claws out Trying to Claw my hand

"fuck it's not working."

Finally I was able to cut into my hand and I wrote


I gasped at the pain letting the blood Dripp down my hand

Liam's POV

Me and Asher we're watching a movie when suddenly I felt a strong shock wave through my body.

I ignored it and carried on watching The film

About half an hour later I felt a Horrible pain in my hand making me scream

"Papa" Asher began panicking

I looked at my hand seeing writing.

"Liam please help me" I read



"Yes baby it's dada,come on you and me are going Searching"

I found Theo's Smell which led us to the woods.

I took Malia and Derek with us just in case

"Ok baby remember Dada smell"

He nodded

"Try search for it okay like I have"

He began sniffing around when suddenly his eyes widened

"I found it" he giggled

"Let's start"Derek Smiled And the child

About 2 hours later we sound a Tunnel

"His sent is strong there"

"Get Scott and The others" Derek Told us

I nodded and called them up

About 20 minutes later they were all here Corey being a bit weak still

"You sure he's there" Lydia asked

"100% I'm his mate I can feel him"

"Ok then since you Theo is normally the bait........yeah I have no clue"Scott groaned from frustration

"Me and Asher will be the bait as we are the people she wants"

Scott sighed and nodded

"Hey pup I need you to do something Very important"Scott kneeled down to Asher height

"I need you to stay near You papa,Don't let go in his hand.if anything happens remember what me and Auntie lia Told you"

"Fight till we can't" Asher Responded

"Good now this is your first Mission so stay with Papa" malia Said Seriously

Asher nodded and Grabbed my hand

"So plan is you two bait,Corey is not going in He's to weak. Stiles and mason will run as fast as you can and get Theo out. Lydia you will scream throwing Kate to the wall then me and Derek will deal with her"

We all nodded at The plan

"I have this" Derek took out 8 rings

"These can hide your sents" he handed Us one (Not me and Asher)

"Let's go"

Two updates in a day 😱😱

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