Part 65

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"THAT MOTHER FUCKER"Scott Yelled like for the 10th time today

(Scott keeps randomly yelling That Kate is a mother fucker)

I sadly smiled putting one of Scott's shirts on.

(Scott took me back to his place after what happened)

"I-I r-really should get going I need a shower and my clothes"I sighed.

"Ok but come back here if it goes bad with Liam" he sighed

"Y-Yeah I'll be back" I fake smiled

"I can drive you there"

I nodded not trusting my voice

We arrived and I slowly entered and greeted by Liam sat on the Couch on his phone

"H-Hi" I called out to Liam who just looked up at me

He had tear stains down his face and messy hair.

He sadly smiled and I walked upstairs I into the bathroom.

I turned the Shower on stripping my clothes.

I grabbed body gel Washing my body over and over Again.

I still felt dirty

Like Kate said,

I'm ugly



A burden

A fag

It was all true

"Theo y-you've been in there for a while you okay" I hear Liam call

The door opened revealing Liam

"OH MY GOD THEO THE WATER IS FREEZING" he turned the Shower off grabbing a towel Covering me up

"Why did you that" he asked sadly

"I-I wanted h-her s-smell off o-Of me b-but I still f-feel gross" I stuttered crying

"W-who c-cared I-if I-I f-froze to d-death" I sobbed

He pulled me in his arms calming me down a bit

"Let me call Scott" he grabbed his phone out of his pocket also pulling away from me

I sighed leaning in Liam's Chest listening to Liam's heartbeat

About 5 minutes later Liam put the phone of speaker Handing it to me.

"H-hello" I stuttered

"Theo hun why were you sat in freezing water"

"I-I feel gross all I can smell is her,she m-made me m-mentally uns-stable I can't focus,i-I can't do anything I'm useless" I cried out

"I know Theo but come out of the shower and put some clothes on ok maybe get some rest"

I nodded but then replied with a small 'ok'

I gave Liam the phone back and I heard Scott say

"All he's saying is true I went through is memories listen to him" and with that he hung up

"Theo come on Asher is with stiles for the week we can talk about what happened"

I sighed and nodded letting him helping me to the bedroom

"So what happened"

"W-when she took me she tied me to the electric fence which she used to s-shock me, e-everyday she would Call me a fat whore,disgusting,f-faggot, ugly, she would starve me and E-Every-time I'd call out for you s-she's laugh saying you'd never come"I began crying hard making Liam run up to me Pulling me in his arms.

"I'm so sorry Theo I should of listened"

"S-She will come back she always will"

"No she won't She's dead I killed her"

I just nodded wrapping my arms around him

"T-Thank you"

"I love you Theo remember that no matter what happens. You and me will get get through everything Together"

I nodded with tear stains down my face

"God what would I do without you" I chuckled

"I'm just amazing" he said with a sassy tone flipping his imaginary Long hair.

"You really are" I Chuckled connecting our lips making him giggle

"Ok ok" he Began play hitting my arm;I Softly laughed

"Ok just this time"

And with that I smashed my lips on his.


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