Part 71

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A/N: Asher doesn't know about his unborn sibling

Theo's PoV

Me and Liam told all of our friends and most of them began crying of happiness(mood😂)

"BABBYY" Liam screamed from the bed making me laugh

"Yes Li"

"Gimmie attention" he pouted

I chuckled and crawled on the bed next to him

"Good now the attention" he smiled

I smiled and gently placing my lips on his

I pulled away seeing him smiling wide

"I'm happy now" he giggled


We were interrupted by a small knock on our door

"Dada papa can I join" he just stood in the corner of the room

"Yeah of course baby" me and Liam Moved getting space between us so Asher could get in.

He slowly Crawled on the bed hugging me tightly

"What's wrong baby" I patted his head


"Asher we have something to tell you" I smiled

"Yeah what is it" he pouted

"Well what would you say if you had a younger sibling?" Liam asked

"I would protect him/her all the time,lover them too" he giggled

I looked at Liam's smiling

"Well baby Im pregnant with you baby sibling" Liam Smiled widely seeing the child's eyes widen.

Asher jumped up and began jumping on the bed giggling

"IM HAVING A YOUNGER SISTER OR BROTHER YYYAAAYYY!" He Giggled and Fell on the bed hugging us both

"IM SOOOOO HAPPY!"He screamed

"Sister or brother!"he asked

"We don't know yet baby" I chuckled ruffling his hair

He pouted and Frowned

"What will I see them"

"N-" Liam started but got interrupted by Asher

"TOMORROW!" He Giggled

"No baby a few months" I chuckled

He huffed

"Alright baby go to bed now?" I told him and got a 'Why' in return

"Because it's late and your 1 year old I'll tuck you in ok"I told him

He nodded and slowly walked out.

"What do you think it will be"Liam asked rubbing his belly

"I bet its a pretty little girl who will have a big brother to protect her,she'll be part Chimera part werewolf part werecoyote"I smiled and kissed his forehead.

He giggled and pulled me into a loving kiss.

"I love you" he sang

"Well Liam Dunbar I love you too"I smiled

"You should probably go tuck Asher in he's waiting for you"

"Yeah I'll be back" I kissed his forehead  before walking to my son's room

I opened his door and saw him sat on his bed

"DADA" he giggled

"Hi baby" I smiled and walked up to him

"Always lay down in bed for me"

He jumped in his bed and I covered his body with the blanket

"Dada I can't wait to be a big brother"

Hearing those words made me smile widely planting a small kiss on his cheek

"I'm happy for you baby"

"Will papas belly get big"

I burst out laughing making him giggle

"Yes baby something like that" I chuckled
"Anyways sleep now" I kissed his forehead before shutting the door not forgetting to turn the light off.

I walked back into mine and Liam's room and flopped on the bed

"What were you two laughing at" Liam raised his eyebrow making me giggle

"Nothing baby"

He nodded and snuggled into my chest

"Night T" he mumbled

"Good night Li" I said playing with his hair.

After a while Liam fell asleep so I closed my eyes falling into dream-land


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