Part 57

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"WHAT" I screamed as I jumped out of the bed running to my phone which was on charge

"No no no no no" I began panicking

"Hey baby It's okay" Theo pulled to closer to him

"No you don't understand Asher will be in danger if Kate finds out we have a kid. She's a wereJaguar almost stronger Scott and he's a fricking true alpha"

"I do understand Li and Asher will be the most protected little wolf he has a whole pack who will die to protect him."he wrapped his arms around me gently kissing my cheeks

"I-I know But can we please go get him I feel worried something will happen to him even if he's with two ex alphas"

Theo smiled and nodded

"Come on then"

We arrived and The loft hearing laughter and growls

I frowned and opened the door reviling
Asher trying to claw Peter and Derek laughing at him.

"Ah You two take him please he is trying to AH" Peter screamed from getting a small baby jumping on him.

Theo laughed and clicked his tongue telling Asher to run to him.

"DADA PAPA!" Asher Ran to us give us both hugs on our legs

"Hey baby how was it with Uncle Derek and grandpa peter" I Chuckled at my own Words and earning a glare from peter

"Vewy good" (A/N: Vewy as baby accent 😂)

Asher giggles and Did the 'up' sign to Theo

He chuckled and picked his child up

"He is half way of control he's now like How Liam was Before you two got together" Derek Smiled

"Alright So all we need to do is find him an anchor'' I frowned

"Well you two can be his anchor just show him" peter said treating his Tiny cuts from Asher

"Alright then we should get going We can take him back for like Werewolf schooling" Theo Chuckled

The older wolves Nodded and me and Theo Headed to the car

Theo began strapping Asher in his car seat as I watched.

"That...looks so complicated"  I said making Theo laugh and face me closing The car door

"Well it is but I'm a smart boy" Theo Grinned

I playfully rolled my eyes Giving him a small peck on his lips.

"Oh yeah before I forget Scott wants us For a pack meeting" Theo told me making me sadly pout.

"Don't pout" He laughed and opened the door for me

I sat down Putting my belt on and Theo drove off.



We arrived at the McCall house.

I hopped out the car quickly getting Asher out and ran inside the house
Earning a Chuckle from Theo.

"Ok you two quickly now!" Scott shouted from the living room.

"So as you know Kate is back and we know because look Malia was attacked by berserkers"Scott pointed At a injured Malia in pain

"We don't want anyone in trouble So the strongest people Can come help fight off kate" he continued

"So me,Malia,Lydia,Derek,Corey,Liam and Theo you guys are the strongest here"

We all nodded but not me

"What about the pup" stiles pointed at Asher

"He can go with Peter for Werewolf School" Theo told the pack

"WHAT PETER MY DAD SCHOOLING HAHAHA" malia burst out laughter

"Stop laughing in treating your cuts" Lydia softly hit her girlfriend

"So get ready rest up Lydia save your voice, Theo try not Do anything tiring Deaton told me a lot of movement for a Chimera can weaken their human side the next day" Scott told him

Theo Nodded placing Asher on the floor who ran right to mason and Corey.

"And Corey Try practising your invisibility you will need to for Kate"

Corey nodded with Asher in his arms

"Ok We will go to Deatons now to discuss the plan" Scott Smiled to himself knowing he is a good leader

"We will meet you there"

We all left leaving me, Theo and Asher

"Let's hop this goes well and we survive" I sighed

"Hey hey we will Okay we may get the same injury's and pain but I will protect you till the day I die. No one will stop me from protecting my love of my life,I love you Liam you turned my life the right way up, gave me a path to take and I'll always thank you for that"

I sniffed as tears fell down my face pulling the Chimera in for a hug

"DADA PAPA I WANNA JOIN" Asher began hitting our legs making us giggle

Theo Picked the desperate child up making a group hug.

"I love you Dada and papa" Asher giggles giving us small kisses on our cheeks.

"We love you too now let's go see Grandpa peter" I smiled

"YES" He screamed jumping out of Theo's arms running to the car

'Asher loves Peter like a best friend it's a really beautiful sight to see, a emotionless fearless ex-Alpha killer so soft for a 1 year old baby' (Yes I upped the age)

"Let's go my beautiful family"

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