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Yesterday was hell. I got into hot water with Sana the whole day. She was the one who starts the conversation, but we would always end up in a fight. Maybe it was my fault because I know what buttons to push. I know how to piss her off, and I don't know if whether that's a good thing or not. Today is Monday, and she didn't talk to me most of the time. She ignored my presence, but she called me earlier to fetch her in the club. Nice, right?

I arrived and parked my car, getting money from under my seat before heading out. I connected my eyebrows when I heard voices coming from the alleyway at the back of the club. I opened my car again and took my gun with me, hiding it under my shirt. Jungkook got it for me yesterday when he brought my car back since he told Yoongi and the others about the kidnapping situation.

I walked warily, and with each step, the noises were getting clear, and I knew that voice is from a young girl. She sounded like she was in trouble and crying for help, so I fastened my pace. I peeped and saw a man trying to get a hold of her. I took my gun out when I got closer to him. I pointed it at the back of his head and said, "Let go of the girl."

He held his hands up in surrender and turned around. "Jungkook? What the fuck are you doing?" I asked with an angry tone as I put my gun down and looked at the girl crying while hugging a smaller girl in her arms tightly. I didn't recognize him since it was already nighttime.

"I'm not going to do bad to them, I swear! I was telling them to come with me to that house where we grew up, but she didn't believe me." He explained. I crouched down to meet her height, and she looked at me, shaking her head furiously.

"Don't kill us, please." She pleaded, and my heart melted. It made me more curious. What happened to them?

"We're not doing that, kid. We're here to help you. You need to trust us." I said softly and stepped closer, but I saw how she flinched, so I stepped back. Something is wrong. Something, which isn't a good one, happened to her that made her act like that.

"Jungkook, what happened?" I asked and looked at him.

"I saw them running away from a man, so I followed them here. I think she thought I'm working for him." He replied, and I nodded. I felt my pants getting tugged, so I looked down and saw the little girl. I smiled and carried her in my arms. She looked so pure.

"You're not bad guys?" I put my attention on the other girl and nodded my head. I mean, I could be a bad guy.

"We're not." I said honestly. "Come on. Let's get you to my car before they find you." I said, and she nodded. I walked first with the little girl snuggling onto me. I unlocked my car, and Jungkook opened the backseat. The girl, which I assume is around twelve-years-old, got in first before she took the kid away from me.

"I'll take them tomorrow there. It's late, and all are probably asleep." I said, and Jungkook only nodded in agreement.

"What are you doing here anyway?" He asked, and my throat went dry. None of them doesn't know that Sana is working as a stripper. They don't know anything about Sana, and I thank them that they respected my decision. They never went to my apartment, they never asked me about her, and they didn't stick their nose to my business, which I'm glad.

"I'm waiting for someone. You could go now."

"Is it the same stripper that entertained you when we went there?" He asked while smiling, but I didn't answer and stare at him blankly. He laughed before nodding his head. "Okay, understood! I'll go to the house tomorrow." He bade before he jogged out of my sight.

"Can I ask for your name?" I asked when I opened the car door. They kept quiet, and I know this wouldn't be easy. I nodded as I grasped her situation before smiling faintly.

When I sat in the driver's seat, it's the exact time my phone started ringing. I checked the name of the caller before I pressed the accept button. "Are you here yet?" I heard her voice from the other line. She didn't even greet me.

"Yes, Ms. Minatozaki. Do you like me to walk you to the car?" I asked with the fakest cheerful voice ever with a stupid smile on my face. She giggled cutely, which caused my heart to flutter.

I saw Sana hopping her way towards the car without hanging up the call. My smile didn't leave my face as I watched her coming closer and closer. When she was about to open the door, I hung up the call and kept my cool, wearing my poker face. It isn't the right time to be whipped cream. I need to think about where these kids would sleep at my apartment.

"Hey." She greeted with a smile before banging the door close. "Am I early? I thought you would be– Holy fuck!" She exclaimed before screaming at the top of her lungs when she saw the two kids on the back. She was supposed to put her things in the backseat, but she stopped once she saw them.

Sana slapped her mouth with her left hand when she realized she cursed in front of a child. I laughed as she turned to me slowly and glared. "Why is there a teenager and a child at the back?" She asked. Teenager? The other one looked like a primary grade school student.

"They ran away from bad people, so I decided to help them." She only nodded in understanding before staring at their souls. "Hey! Don't scare them." She kept her mouth shut and held her hands out to the little kid. She hesitated but leaned towards Sana.

"Cute!" She giggled like a kid as she let the child sit on her lap. I drove away with Sana talking to the little girl who communicated back. Oh, I didn't know she could interact already. "Are they gonna stay over at our apartment?" She asked, and I nodded my head.

"Can you adopt her?" I glanced at her before shaking my head. I'm not even planning to start a family right now, and being a parent at the age of twenty-one didn't cross my mind. I'm not good at interacting with kids. I don't know anything about kids! I only know that they are a pain in the ass.

"I'm too young for this, Sana." I replied calmly.

"But Y/N, you're at the right age already." She fought back.

"That doesn't mean I could adopt a child." I told her, and I glanced at her, seeing her pouting her lips while giving me puppy eyes. Don't look at me like that. She's too cute that I might not be able to resist my temptation and kiss that soft lips of hers.

"Please?" She pleaded with her cute voice.

I sighed and looked down before putting my attention back on the road. "I'll think about it." I could see her celebrating at my peripheral vision, and I could imagine her grinning big. She pinched my cheek all of a sudden that made me smile and chuckle. God, how can someone be this adorable?

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