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"Your car is so pretty!" Those words kept repeating out of Sana's mouth. We are already outside the apartment yet she keeps babbling about how pretty the car is.

I locked the car and dragged Sana inside our house. "Aren't you getting tired of saying the same shit?" I asked as I locked the front door before turning my attention to her.

She went in front of me and shake my shoulders. "Can you teach me how to drive?" I removed her hands off mine and held it, swaying it as I looked at her while shaking my head.

"I'll be your driver."

"But, you can't be with me forever!" She fought back.

"What do you mean? You're going to be my wife." I joked. She rolled her eyes and pushed me away.

"Shut your flirty ass up. I have enough of it." I laughed and followed her to our bedroom. I mean, it's not a bad idea at all. I don't feel like I'm going to fall in love with someone. I rather stay with Sana forever, but I know she'll be having her special someone soon. I can feel it.

"I'll wash up first," I spoke and headed to the bathroom to do my business. When I finished, I was greeted by a knocked down Sana on the bed. "Sana, wake up," I said softly and shook her lightly. I smiled as I saw her open her eyes.

"Your turn to wash up." Sana takes care of herself very well, so she can't let this pass. There's this one time when I didn't wake her up since she looked exhausted because of work, but the next day she woke up and chose violence. I learned my lesson and I will never let that happen again.

As she takes a shower, I couldn't fight my sleepiness anymore and drifted to dreamland without waiting for the latter.


I was the first one between Sana and me who woke up. I sat on the edge of the bed and held my head that is aching horribly. I'm pretty sure it's not about the alcohol because I was sober and I did even drive back to our apartment.

Ugh, shit. Am I sick? It can't be. Today's a special day. I shouldn't be sick, but my headache is so bad.

I massaged my temples for five minutes, to somewhat tone the pain down which was kind of effective. I tried standing up and when I didn't feel like falling and shit, I walked slowly to the bathroom. Just like a turtle.

Not the fucking ninja turtle though.

I washed my face and dried it with a towel. I headed out and Sana is still sleeping, peacefully while snoring lightly. I smiled at how cute she was at the moment before walking out of our bedroom, closing the door without making a noise.

I flopped down on the couch, surprising the first one who occupied the living room, as I rested my head on the back of the couch. "You look... bad," Yujin spoke with her judging stare. I shushed her weakly and closed my eyes.

"Can you give me water and medicine for this damn headache? I'll give you fifty thousand won." She immediately rushed off to the kitchen after hearing money coming out from my mouth. I chuckled lowly and waited for her to come back. 

I opened my eyes when I heard her voice. "Here you go." I sat properly and saw her putting it on the table. She gestured them with such elegance causing me to laugh. What the heck.

"Thanks. My wallet is in the room." I saw how big her smile was before she excitedly skipped towards Sana and I's bedroom. I shook my head and drank the medicine. I stole the pillow that Yujin was hugging earlier and embraced it tightly, leaning my head back as I closed my eyes.


I felt a hand caressing my hair softly as I came back to life. I opened my eyes slowly, seeing Sana from my view, smiling while her eyes are focused somewhere. I just realized that my head was on her lap while we're staying on the couch because I could hear television noises. I also feel much better than earlier, but my head is still aching.

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