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"Don't you have another friend that is also a psychologist here in Korea? Because I don't want her to be away from me." I'm currently at Yoongi's house because I am not fucking ready for all of this, but if there's no other way, I couldn't do anything but agree because Sana would be happy by the end of this. Her happiness is my main priority, and I wouldn't let my selfishness take over me.

What's better is that she's back to her ordinary self after our talk. We both feel the same way. We don't want to be apart from each other. That's also why she isolated herself, to think about her decision. It hasn't even a month passed when we officially started dating, yet we're going through another obstacle.

"People I know are mostly part of a gang or a mafia, and Namjoon and Hoseok are only a miracle." He said and handed me a glass of whisky, which I accepted because I never rejected him. "Jung Hoseok is the name of the psychologist, and he's one of the known psychologists in Japan."

"Isn't that a Korean name?" I asked, and he finally sat down on the couch before nodding his head. I sipped on my drink as I waited for his reply.

"He only has a clinic there, and he couldn't leave Japan even though he wants to because his mother got confined in the hospital, and he's the only one who could take care of her." Oh. "And, the treatment would be more efficient and faster if Sana focused on herself."

"How long would it take?"

"It still depends, Y/N, so what do you think? Don't worry about her a lot because I wouldn't leave my sister's side. I didn't wait for sixteen years to be away from her once again."

"Of course, I would agree. You don't need to ask me because it's Sana who needs to agree on this. All of this is for her own benefit and happiness." I told him. "It's hard to talk about this stuff with her since she kept changing the topic."

"You're her weakness, Y/N. You could use that advantage of yours." He chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows humorously. I shook my head in disbelief before I broke into laughter. "You don't need to rush things, but if you finally got to convince my sister, I'll prepare the plane tickets and everything." He told me, and I only nodded in reply.

"I have a question," I spoke. Yoongi hummed in a questioning way and looked at me. "Now that you find your sister, you're going to disband the gang, right?" He nodded. "What's the next thing we're going to do?" I asked, and he sat up straight as he faced my direction.

"Hm... all of us could work at my restaurant." He replied after he thought about it deeply. "Seokjin would be a chef by now if I didn't drag him along with me, you know?" He let out an airy chuckle. "He could help you learn how to cook, and there's a possibility we could be the best restaurant in Seoul. Anything could happen if you thought about it, honestly." His positive mindset made me smile.

"So, while Sana is having her treatment in Japan, you're learning something new here in Korea. It is what you wanted, right?"

I nodded. "Yeah. It made me agree to you more."


"Hello, my love." Sana greeted me brightly with a smiley face when I stepped inside our bedroom. I gave her a weary smile as I closed the door. "Come here." I hopped on the bed and went on top of her, laying my head on her chest.

"Is my love sleepy?" Sana cooed as her fingers brushed against my hair. I raised my head to meet her gaze and nodded. I stole a kiss from her lips before laying my head on her chest again. Hearing her calm beating heart made me sleepier than ever.

"What made you tired? Did you and Yoongi oppa did something other than to talk?" She asked with curiosity as she continued to play with my hair. Her voice is soothing. Damn. Did I enter heaven without myself knowing?

I shook my head in response. "We drank half a bottle of whisky after we talked about you." I raised my head. "I already agreed, Sana. You should too."

She shook her head and changed our position, so she's on top of me. I could hear her sniffling as she buried her face to my neck. "You can't keep avoiding this, Sana. This topic is a serious matter we should both talk about." I told her and gently caressed her back before engulfing her into a hug.

"Why is it so easy for you to agree on this? I told you before that I don't want to be away from you." She said as she started to sob. I pushed myself, so I'm sitting while she straddles my lap. I cupped her cheeks to make her attention goes to me.

"This is for the best, Sana." I told her in the most gentle way I could do. "I don't care if you're going to take a year or more. I would wait for you because you're the owner of my heart. No one could take them but you only." I wiped her tears away and kissed her lovingly.

"Why can't you just go with me?" She asked me.

"I can't," I answered. "Yujin is still a minor, and she would be graduating next school year. I couldn't miss the opportunity that happens rarely. I'm also going to spend more time with Dahyun while taking care of Tzuyu at the same time. I grew to like that cutie pie that is addicted to bread, and I do even treat her as my own child now." I smiled as I talked about them.

"We would be both happy after this. I promise." I said as I hugged her comfortingly. "I'm going to marry you and create a family with you. How about that, baby?" I spoke to lift the mood up, which succeeded as I heard her hearty laugh.

"I love that." She replied and faced me with a smile. "Maybe you agreed to this so you could flirt with your girls, huh?" She looked at me skeptically with one of her eyebrows lifted.

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm getting watched, baby. Yujin is my surveillance camera, and she would tell you every move that I'm making." I bantered with a foolish smile.

"I'm agreeing," Sana spoke while smiling, and I had a little celebration in my head. "But, for now, let's use our remaining time wisely." She wrapped my arms around my nape as she leaned in, slowly connecting our lips and hearts together.

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