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"Let's go, bitches, we're going shopping!" Yujin exclaimed as she danced goofily while moving towards the front door.

"Let's go, bitches, we're going shopping!" Tzuyu imitated the older as she jumped up and down while giggling. I stopped in the midst of tying my shoelaces as I slowly looked up to Yujin, who froze and kept her hold at the doorknob.

"Yujin!" Minjoo and I yelled in unison while we threw daggers in her direction. "Unnie!" Dahyun followed while tsk-ing at her. Yujin smiled in nervousness before rushing out of the house. I uttered vulgarisms under my breath and followed my sister outside.

"When the fuck are you planning to control your demoniac mouth around Tzuyu?! I'm not stopping you since you're already twenty, but you need to control your damn mouth." I nagged at her and held her by her ear.

She yelped in pain and chanted continuous "Sorry" to knock her off and give her mercy. I pinched her ear harder before letting go of her, seeing her ear crimsoned. She looked at me with a vexed expression on her face while gently caressing her ear. I scoffed at her, annoyed, and acted like nothing happened as I unlocked the car.

Yujin persuaded me to exhaust my wallet when their holiday break started, which was a few days ago. She would constantly and persistently annoy and piss the shit out of me, so I could agree to her idea she pinpointed at her mind. Of course, I goddamn said yes after two days of my sister harassing me, so she could shut the fuck up and leave my stressed ass alone.

Being a cook in a well-known restaurant that hundreds of customers visiting per day is a pain in the ass, but it's the same scenario for the past three years, so I have gotten the hang of it. Besides, I'm starting to enjoy cooking and serving people food we cooked, and it's honestly entertaining that we turned into cooks from being gangsters.

But our personalities didn't change at all, and our true colors would be showcased to the public whenever we encounter egotistical bitches who think they are superior and mighty. I could literally write a book with every chapter filled with our monstrous and heated moments with the customers since I could remember each one of them, and the memory I loved the most is when Taehyung smacked a customer with the breakable plate of ours, which resulted in him not working for a whole month. That shit is hilariously wrong.

"Can you remove the frown on your face? Who hurt you? I mean, it's obvious that the answer is Sana unnie because she's the only one who could hurt you, but can you remove that frown off your face? It's scaring me." Yujin spoke directly to me, and my face instantly relaxed when she mentioned it.

"Don't tell me you broke up with Sana unnie?" I glanced at her and pinched the side of her stomach.

"Can you keep your mouth shut for a while? Sana and I didn't separate." I replied as my eyes focused on the road, and I could see her crossing her arms in my peripheral vision.

"Sana unnie's probably not contacting Y/N." Dahyun commented from the back, and she hit the jackpot.

"She's busy with her psychotherapy sessions. I don't need to get worried." I confidently said as I looked at Dahyun from the rearview mirror. Yujin scoffed and said something that made my desire to throw her out of the car higher.

"She probably ghosted you." I pressed my lips together as I try to keep my cool. Yujin teased me more as she laughed aloud. This motherfucker is not helping. She's making my insecurities get the best of me, but I wish Yujin's assumption is incorrect.

Sana's one of the main reasons I keep moving in life, and I don't know what to do if her love for me is dead and gone. Sana breaking up with me became my greatest fear, and the thought of her leaving me for another person without explanation and closure damaged my fragile heart. I don't want to happen, and I don't want to feel the same pain when my father killed himself in front of me. It badly hurt me, and I don't think I'm going to survive the pain for the second time.

"Yujin, don't buy too much." I reminded her as we got out of the car. She raised her hand and gave me a thumbs-up before we set foot in the mall. Yujin and Dahyun held onto each Tzuyu's hand as we walked past the stores, while Minjoo stayed beside me as we watched the three from behind.

The mall got packed as couples, families, friend groups, and people walking alone are scattered everywhere. Yujin dragged the youngsters inside an expensive branded clothing store, and I'm starting to expect the aftermath of this shopping. I sighed as Minjoo and I followed them inside.

"You should go and buy too, Minjoo. It's on me anyway." I said. She looked at me with a smile and politely denied my request as she waved both hands.

"No, it's okay. I brought money with me. Thank you, though." I mirrored her smile, and we proceeded to look around the store. Nothing caught my eye, but I'm still looking around, so I could buy my girlfriend a present and keep it until she came back.

"Are you going to buy that?" I asked Yujin as I pointed at the sweatshirt she's holding.

She shook her head. "Not really. Let's go to other stores." I only nodded as the five of us exited the store. Tzuyu pointed at the toy store, and since we love the kid so much, we obliged and let her buy anything she wants. I like spoiling Tzuyu anyway.

It's been an hour and a half, and they're still not finished as we continued to walk around. Yujin, Dahyun, and Tzuyu already bought a lot, and I'm holding all the clothes and toys Tzuyu picked in my right hand.

"Tzuyu wants ice cream." Dahyun said, and I immediately opened my wallet and gave her some cash. She showed me her eye smile as she gladly took it from my hand. "Thanks. You're the best." She thanked me before she walked away with Tzuyu.

"Can you accompany Minjoo? I want some ice cream too." I only nodded as I shooed her away. She smiled before following Dahyun and Tzuyu, leaving me alone at the front of the store that Minjoo entered. I went inside and searched for the pink-haired lady. I furrowed my eyebrows when a man in his thirties approached her, and he radiated weird vibes, so I walked towards them sneakily.

I fakely coughed as I snaked my arm on Minjoo's shoulder protectively. "Hi, I'm Winnie the Pooh. I come to take my sister's honey." I greeted, giving the guy a threatening smile.

The man didn't budge as we had a staring competition. "In a count of three, I want you to be out of my sight, or I'll kick your ass out of this store." I warned him as I cracked my knuckles. He looked at my clenched fist before slowly walking away, purposely crashing his shoulder onto mine.

"Minjoo, are you–" I didn't get to finish my sentence as I looked down. My mouth went agape as I dropped the shopping bags and realized that this pink-haired girl isn't my sister's girlfriend, and instead, it was mine. "Sana?" I blinked multiple times and even slapped myself to check if I'm dreaming, but no, I'm not. It is hundred percent real, and the woman I've been longing to see in the last three years is right in front of me.

Sana came back. The love of my life came back.

My hands slowly made their way up and cupped her face, getting myself lost in the paradise of her eyes. "Yes, baby. It's me. Surprise?" Sana confirmed as a smile got made on her soft lips. I smiled in pure happiness as I slowly leaned in, closing my eyes before capturing her lips. Our kiss held nostalgia and overflowing love, and I swear I missed this feeling so much.

I broke the kiss with a smile as our foreheads rested against each other. I caressed Sana's cheek gently as a tear escaped my eye.

"You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."

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