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Jungkook walked his way to the bar where we are staying since the afternoon. He got a call from Irene to fetch me since I was too dizzy to drive. When he entered the bar, he has already seen us and came towards our table.

"Thanks, Jungkook. Y/N got a bit drunk if I must say." Irene reasoned out even though she was the one who pushed me to drink. Jungkook only nodded before excusing ourselves.

"Why did you get drunk?" Jungkook asked when we arrived at my car. He fastened the seatbelt for me before he jogged to the other side. He entered and started the engine before he put his seatbelt on.

"I'm not drunk." I replied. "I can still think properly. I know what I'm saying." I continued and leaned my head on the seat. "Besides, Irene forced me to drink, and I'm tipsy. Shit. Woah. My world is spinning." I rambled out, and Jungkook chortled before he drove away. I'm dizzy.

"I wanted to get drunk ever since I killed them, but I couldn't because I was watching Sana." I spoke and looked at him. "She knows who I am now. She knows that I am not the Y/N she knew years ago. She found out earlier that I killed those fuckers because of the news. Jungkook, tell me honestly, would Sana hate me?"

"I don't think so. I'm pretty sure Sana would understand." I nodded and looked in the front. He glanced at me before taking his phone out of his pocket. "Hey, Yujin." He greeted. I decided to eavesdrop once I heard my sister's name.

"Can you wait by the door? I'm going to drop Y/N off." He said, and I'm so close to falling asleep. "Okay. Thanks." He dropped his phone after he said that as he focused on driving me home.

As the apartment got in my view, I quickly unfastened my seatbelt. "Hey, Y/N. Is it okay for me to take your car? I promise I'll bring it later in the morning." I only nodded before opening the door. When I got on my feet, I closed the door while I heard footsteps coming close to me. I turned around, and it was Yujin.

"You smell like alcohol." Yujin scrunched her nose as she intentionally wrapped my arm around her shoulder before we walked to our front door. "Why did you drink? Sana unnie is so worried. You didn't answer her calls and messages."

I didn't even think of that. Irene only gave me my phone when Jungkook arrived. That crazy woman tricked me. Ugh. I don't want another fight with Sana again. I want to sleep in peace.

I kept my mouth shut as we got inside the apartment. Yujin removed her hold from me, and I wobbled towards the bedroom that Sana and I share. I closed the door without trying to be quiet to make her know that I'm home.

"Y/N?" I heard her as I face-planted into the bed. She pushed me, so I'm lying down on my back. She sat up and scanned my face. "You drank?" I nodded and closed my eyes. She didn't speak anymore and laid down beside me, wrapping her arm around my waist, but she backed out when she sniffed my neck. Why the fuck would she even smell me in the first place?

"Ugh." I opened my eyes when she groaned. "You smell another woman's perfume." She complained and sniffed my neck and my shirt for the second time. Her nose scrunched before Sana hopped off the bed. My eyes followed her as she took another t-shirt from my closet and sprayed her perfume on it many times.

"What? It smells good." I replied after I smelled it.

"Change into this." I lazily sat up and removed my shirt, putting the new shirt she threw on my lap. I only obliged since I don't want to bicker with her. "Ooh. Yummy." I heard her say before I wore my shirt.

I gave her a confused look. "Huh? What?"

"Nothing." She quickly replied and laid down beside me. "Better." She said after she sniffed me. She went on top of me, nesting on the crook of my neck before covering us with the white duvet.

"Sana, I'm sorry." I told her after minutes of silence. "I'm sorry for being a bad person. I killed a lot of people, and I did a lot of–" She put her finger on my lips and shushed me, stopping me from speaking.

"Nothing would change between us, Y/N." She whispered, and that made me hug her tighter. "Rest your mind, please. Thinking a lot isn't good for you." I only hummed as I fell into a deep slumber.


I woke up with a lot of noise outside the room, and thank goodness I don't have a hangover. I stretched before heading inside the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Now that I recall what happened last night, I'm a bit talkative and fucking dramatic.

Damn Irene for making me drink. I hope I don't see her ever again. I'm already going crazy when it comes to Sana. What would even happen to me if Irene added? I wouldn't be able to handle them, and worse, I could die.

I finished my business in the bathroom and went out of the bedroom. I got welcomed by louder noises coming from the kitchen. I followed the noise, seeing Yujin and Sana laughing together. The kitchen is a mess. There's flour, cracked eggs, bowls, and other ingredients and kitchen utensils scattered on the island counter.

I cleared my throat, and Yujin and Sana stopped talking, turning around simultaneously, revealing their faces painted with flour, which made me frown. They are obviously baking something, but I never knew it would be this chaotic.

"You looked fine. You got no hangover?" Yujin asked, and I shook my head. I turned to Sana, and she is staring deadly at my soul with her eyebrows connected. I tilted my head in confusion. What is the problem now? What did I do? If she couldn't still get over that I smell like a woman's perfume, specifically Irene's, since she was the only one who had contact with me, I'm going to jump off a cliff.

"Did you have fun so much fun last night that you didn't have time to answer my calls and messages?"

"I didn't know that you called and messaged me! The one I was with took my phone!" I explained as soon as I saw it.

"Talk to the wind, bitch! Check your fucking wallpaper too!" Huh? I went back to the living room and took my phone. Once I turned it on, I almost threw my phone when I saw the wallpaper. It's Irene smiling while leaning on my shoulder with her cleavage visible.

What the fuck is this?! Goddamn it, Irene!

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