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It felt so surreal.

The whole situation that occurred earlier was surreal. It made me come to a realization that I don't know anything about Sana and her life at all, and I felt extremely backstabbed. I'm that type who doesn't stick my nose up to someone's business, but all those revelations from her other personality made me think, does Sana ever trusted me?

I didn't even know that Sana was getting abused by her parents when she was only a child and that she has other personalities inside her, of which she's aware. Now, I understand why she didn't cry while looking at her parents' coffins, and she sounded happy when she told me over the phone.

My whole life is a fucking lie.

She knew every fucking thing about what's happening in my life while I am clueless about hers. I reminisced about my life choices, and I wished I could turn back the time. I never knew I would expect this kind of betrayal from her, from my best friend for eight fucking years. Our friendship could last a lifetime without me knowing about her true identity. It pissed me off that I must get myself hit by a bat, get tied up in our dining chair, and almost got harassed by her alter for me to know what she's hiding from me.

Sanha has a point. Sana's good at hiding and that made me scared where our relationship would lead us next. It's so fucked up that the fate is already testing us when we only started dating for weeks. From Sana meeting Mina who I had a past with, to meeting Sanha, who wanted something from me after revealing my girlfriend's secret. Fate is good at playing, and they should fuck off, honestly.

"Somebody help me!" We were waiting by the living room for Yoongi to show up when we heard screams coming from our bedroom. I hurriedly jumped off the couch, run towards the door, and twisted the doorknob open. Sana and I exchanged glances before she became a crying mess.

"Y/N, get this off of me, please. What's happening?" She struggled to talk as she was wailing too much, but she still expressed herself, and I only watched her in silence with my heart slowly shattering into pieces. I was supposed to move and untie her up, but I don't why I couldn't do it as if my feet united with the floor.

I'm scared that Sanha is still controlling her body and that she might be lying and acting to be my girlfriend so she could take advantage of me. I got traumatized already, which made me shake out of anxiousness whenever I think of Sanha.

"Y/N, why are you not doing anything? Get me out of here, please!" Sana begged with tears falling out of her eyes. She's trying to break free, and I know she wouldn't. Yujin is skilled. She knows what she's doing.

"I can't," I said, and she stopped moving. "I'm scared."

"Why are you afraid? Did someone told you to do this?" I shook my head. "Then, why can't you?! Y/N, please! Enlighten me about everything that's happening."

"Sanha." One word and she already froze at her seat. She glanced at me before weeping while shaking her head as if she couldn't believe what I'm saying.

I couldn't believe it either.

"This is Sana, Y/N! The Sana that loves you so much!" She shouted all of a sudden. "Let's talk about this in a normal way. Please..." She begged for another time, and she only cried again when she didn't see me moving and doing anything about it.

"I... I was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder when I was sixteen. Mom's sister was the first to notice my change of behaviors, so she took me to a therapist, and there we found out I have that mental disorder." She spoke while trying not to break down, and I listened to everything that she said.

"I was a victim of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse when I turned five until my parents died. The therapist said that there's a strong link between the disorder and trauma, so I guess that's the reason why." She continued and snuffled before looking at me. She gave me a pained smile while her eyes showed deep emotions in them.

"I don't remember a lot during those eleven years, and I felt bad that they have to deal with my problem, but that's how they got made anyway. To protect me from the bad." She said. "Honestly, it was tiring, but you became my only hope. When you took me, I became the happiest girl. I finally became free. I finally felt the freedom I've always wanted. They don't take over that much anymore, and that's because of you. It's not that hard to love you who treats me better than anyone does."

"Sanha told me that she and Nico planned the death of your parents. Is that true?" It's my first time opening my mouth only to ask a question. She nodded her head as her response.

"Yeah... you could see their conversation at the journal." She replied and turned her eyes at her closet. "They didn't tell me beforehand, though. I only found out the same day the incident happened."

The door slowly creaked open, and we saw Yujin. I walked towards her and looked over her shoulder to see Yoongi staring back at me. I nodded, permitting him to enter while I started to play with my fingers anxiously.

Sana frowned when she saw Yoongi entering the room. "Who is he? Are you going to kill me? Please, don't. I didn't mean to hurt you, Y/N, and I still have a lot of things to do together with you." I shook my head and looked at Yoongi as he nudged me in my ribs.

"Why did you tie her up?"

"It's the best I could think of earlier, and I'm afraid that she would wake up with Sanha still taking over her. That personality of hers threatened to kill me, and she almost harassed me."

Sana gasped visibly. "She did?!"

"One of her personalities is named Sanha?" Yoongi didn't mind her reaction as he asked me. I hummed, and I saw how he stepped forward. "So you're Sana that Y/N has been hiding from us, huh?" Sana looked confused, but she still answered him.

"What's your parents' name?"

"Minatozaki Liam and Yui." Sana answered after a lot of hesitation. Yoongi smiled and went closer to her as he unties the ropes. When it's all removed, Sana quickly ran to me and pulled me for an embrace. I hugged her back since I missed her warmth even though my heart is thumping faster because of nervousness.

"Yui? Well, your mother's lying to you." Yoongi spoke.

Sana removed herself from our embrace and looked at him, tilting her head in confusion which I found cute. "How could you say that?" She asked.

"Yui is my father's ex-girlfriend, and he got her pregnant before she flew to Japan." He dropped the bomb, and Sana and I were both shocked by what we heard. No fucking way.

"Did I forgot to mention that my sister we've been finding is half-Japanese? I guess I damn did." He looked at me and flaunted his gummy smile. "I'm your Minmin or Yoonie, don't you remember? We met when you were five."

"Yoonie? That was you? I have a brother?" Sana asked in amusement as she unglued her arms from me. "I've been hoping for you." Yoongi's smile went bigger than earlier as he spread his arms in the air.

"Come here. Don't you miss your Yoonie?" I saw Sana tearing up before walking towards him. Her arms automatically wrapped around him as her head rested on top of his shoulder while he drew circles on his back. I could feel Sana's emotions through her cries, and I'm so happy for him.

Yoongi looked at me, and I saw a tear fell from his eyes, followed by another until it becomes continuous. There it is, the tears of joy. We gave each other soft smiles as he cherished the moment that he's been intending to happen. It happened at last. His long-lost sister is now in his arms.

"Finally... after sixteen years, I found you."

Damn. What a small world indeed.

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