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I regained back my consciousness with an immense pain aching at the back of my head. "Can you stay up all night? Fuck me 'til the daylight. 34, 35~ Wakey-wakey, asshole." My left cheek is getting smacked harder with every slap, so I opened my eyes with a loud groan escaping my mouth. My eyes focused on her face, and I'm not fucking tripping. The woman is none other than Sana herself. What the hell is she doing, and why am I tied up in our dining chair inside our bedroom?!

Her body suddenly tensed up, and her hand quickly made their way up to her head as her facial expression turned into a frown. She's feeling dizzy while I watched her in horror and concern. I felt so fucking useless because both my feet and hands are tied up. I couldn't help her or do something with it, but this scenario is familiar. I've seen something similar to this.

"Sana, are you okay?" I asked once I noticed her face became emotionless and her posture changed. We looked at each other, and a smirk got displayed on her face. She crouched down to meet my height and traced my jaw voluptuously before cupping my chin.

"You're mistaken. I'm not Sana, darling." She harshly pulled away, pushing with a force that I thought my neck would break and have a U-Turn. She straightened her back and eyed me from head to toe while curling few strands of her hair. Shit.

"You became more attractive the last time I met you." She commented flirtatiously. "Did you like the photos I sent you a few days ago? Or, would it be better if I got no clothes on?" She asked, and the smirk didn't leave her face as if it was a permanent marker.

"Before I answer that," I said a little bit calmly before taking a deep breath. "Who am I talking to?" I need to calm my fucking nerves in order to get out of these ropes alive and call for assistance.

"What the fuck?" She said as if she couldn't believe what she's hearing. "I thought you'll be able to recognize me. Goddamn it!" She abruptly raised her voice, causing me to flinch. "But Sana promised to me, to us she will fucking introduce us to you and the others. Is she lying to me? Nah-uh, that's impossible. Maybe she's still preparing herself. Yeah, probably, but why the fuck is she taking so long?! It's been years." She disheveled her hair as she shuffled her thoughts, walking back and forth across the room.

"Fuck, anyway, my name is Sanha. I'm Sana's primary alter." She said after she got a hold of herself. Alter? Oh, dear. She must be impossible.

"How do you guys talk?"

"Curious now, are we?" Her smirk is back again as she went on my back, massaging my shoulders. "There's a journal where we all have our conversations. You haven't seen it?"

"No. I don't invade Sana's privacy."

"Ooh. What a goody-two-shoes." She whispered before laughing. "Why don't you act like you were whenever you would point your gun at someone's head? I prefer you that way, my dear fucking sweetheart."

"You already met me weeks ago. You don't remember?" She asked. It took me time to answer before shaking my head. I don't reminisce anything about Sana having such weird behavior.

She sighed disappointedly before walking closer to me. "Do you remember when I chased you around the house that you forgot to eat your ramen? That's fucking me, you dumb motherfucker."

Oh, shit. That time, I only thought of it as a prank. I never thought of something different and more complex. "I do remember now, but when do you take over?"

"Actually, there's many of us, but I'm the one that usually comes out whenever Sana feels unsafe in her environment, especially when she would encounter stupid fuckers at the strip club."

I frowned. "Unsafe? Did something happen while I was away?" I asked as I watched her come in front of me.

"Not really. I only want to know something, and here I found out that Sana hasn't told anyone about her dirty little secret." She clicked her tongue multiple times while shaking her head, and I could tell that she is disappointed and frustrated.

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