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"Milk. Milk. Milk." I heard that word getting chanted when I woke up from my deep slumber. It made me groan as I still felt sleepy. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Tzuyu tugging my shirt with her little hands.

I carried her softly and made her lay down beside me. I hugged her, and she giggled since my breath is tickling her. I opened my eyes wholly to see Yujin staring back at me, laying down on her stomach near my feet. I stooped down to tease her by smelling my feet, and she scrunched her nose in disgust.

I laughed loudly, and Tzuyu followed as we harmonize our voices together. "Why are there kids in our apartment?"

"I'm only three years younger than you." I heard Dahyun, and I assumed she's sitting in the dining area. Did they get close that quick? Dahyun sounded comfortable answering my sister. It's not like I'm complaining. I'm only saying what I noticed. I'm glad that she felt at home because that's what I wanted to do since last night.

"You and Y/N have similarities, huh? We ran away from home at your age."

"Really?" Dahyun asked, and Yujin hummed while nodding her head like she was proud of it. Running away from our abusive parents who use drugs is something I'm proud of, but sleeping on the cold floor of the streets with flattened boxes as your bed isn't something to be proud of, and that still haunts me until this day. I thought my body would give up and leave a ten-year-old Yujin without anyone taking care of her. Thank goodness I didn't die.

"Stop talking about the past, Yujin, and make Tzuyu milk. I'm going to take a bath." She obliged without explanation and went to the kitchen. Tzuyu left my side and trailed behind her. I sat up and stretched my limbs before cracking my knuckles, neck, and other bones I could.

"Why aren't you dead yet?" I laughed at Dahyun's blunt remark. What made it funnier is her straight face while saying them. I don't know whether she's serious or not, but it made my mood go up.

"I'm alive but dead. I guess." I shrugged and walked inside our bedroom. The first thing I saw is her sleeping face since she was facing the door. It resulted in my mouth curving upward. I stared at her like a creepy asshole before I forced myself out of that state. I took my clothes from my closet and went inside the bathroom.

Once I finished, I came out of the bathroom while drying my hair with my towel, and Sana is still asleep without moving an inch. I shook my head and went out of the room to be greeted by Yujin and Dahyun dancing to a nursery rhyme to entertain the youngest. They both looked stupid but cute, and their height difference is noticeable. When they saw me, they stopped dancing and hung their heads low due to embarrassment.

"Have you guys eaten?" I asked as if nothing happened at all. They nodded their heads as their answers. "Okay, then Dahyun and Tzuyu, take a bath. I'm taking you somewhere."

"Are you taking us back to that man?"

"No way!" I exclaimed. "We're going to that house where a man who helped us out took us. We stayed there until I was seventeen, and that place is where you would learn about a lot of things, even self-defense." I told them.

"You didn't tell me that information." I jumped when I heard Sana's deep voice behind me. She only gave me an innocent smile while I threw my towel at her face.

"Don't scare me like that." I spoke, but I wasn't still moving on about that. My heart was beating fast.

"Uh-uh. Don't fuck me like that. Fuck me like this." Yujin commented with an unusual tone. What the fuck was that? I slowly turned my head towards her, and she smiled like a puppy.

"Did you and Minjoo have done the nasty?" Yujin quickly shook her head as a defense while Sana smacked the back of my head. I looked back at her while rubbing the part she laid her hand.

That hurt.

"There is a fourteen-year-old girl and a three-year-old with us. When would you stop asking questions in the wrong place?" She asked me with her hands on her hips. She looked like that meme I saw on the internet.

"First of all, Dahyun is at the right age to know those things. Second of all, I censored that specific word, and Tzuyu wouldn't understand it either way. Therefore, I now conclude that you're an overdramatic squirrel." She almost smacked me for the second time, but I swerved it. That was close.

"Stop fighting. That was a lyric from a song." Yujin said, and she succeeded in stopping us. "Go take a bath now. I'll bring your clothes later." Yujin continued, and Dahyun immediately carried Tzuyu before rushing inside the bathroom.

Sana excused herself as she washes her face, leaving me alone with this child. "When would you attend classes again? You've been alright since the weekend."

"I'll go tomorrow. I promise."

I nodded. "You need to," I said and sat beside Yujin. She blasted K-Pop songs on the TV while she danced on the rhythm. I only watched her enjoy her time, and soon enough, she paused the video when we heard Sana speaking.

"Tzuyu should stay here with us." Is she serious?

"Who would take care of her then? I'm not going to babysit a damn kid all day long."

"I could." She answered. She's not going to give up, isn't she? "I could take care of her until it's time for me to work, and you or Yujin could take care of her while I'm away."

I sighed. That is not what I intended to happen. "What's with your faces? You dislike kids that much?" She asked, and I nodded my head furiously. It's not like I hate kids or Tzuyu. I don't want to take care of them, and I never will.

"Let her stay with us for a week. If my plan worked out and if you like her, she's going to stay with us."

I shook my head in disagreement. "I think this is not a good idea, Sana. I know your dream was to become a kindergarten teacher, but this is not it, and I don't know how to take care of kids!"

"Don't act like you didn't take care of her last night by giving her milk and shit." She fought back. "You don't need to watch her all day. Tzuyu could poopoo and weewee on her own." She sighed when I didn't answer, and what is with her word choices? Weewee and poopoo sounded adorable when they came out of her mouth.

Ew. Whipped.

Shut up.

"Think of this as a practice if you wanted to start a family with a bitch." Why is she talking shit about herself? Sana is that bitch she's talking about now, but that's still not going to change the fact that I don't want to take care of a kid.

"I'll do it." I can't believe I agreed to this shit.

"By the way, can I come?"


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