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"I found this strip club fifteen minutes away by car from Y/N's home. We should go there and check it out." Ryujin spoke from the back. I pretended that I don't know that place when in fact I'm screaming mentally.

That strip club is where Sana works at.

I don't want her to see me in this state, with a busted lip and cut on my cheek. I don't want her to question me since I'm not ready, to be honest, and tell her everything about my work.

"Shouldn't you be studying?" Jungkook asked and looked back at her.

Ryujin shook her head. "Meh. I'll do that tomorrow." She said. "Y/N, you should go with me and use your new car."

"Yeah, s-sure." Goddamn it! Why can't I say no? I swear I want to punch myself.

Everyone then agreed to go, thanks to Ryujin's pleading skills. "I'll ask the others too," Jungkook said. I'm about to fuck up real bad.

Moments after, we arrived at Yoongi's home. I parked the car in the garage and we waited by the front door for them to come, while I'm thinking of what could happen tonight. It hasn't been long after when they arrived with Seokjin guiding Yoongi towards us.

"What happened?" I asked as I saw Seokjin having a bruise on his left eye.

"He got uncontrollable for a second. Luckily, those four are there to help me out." He replied as Yoongi went inside with a tired yet guilty look on his face. I felt bad for the two of them.

Everyone then followed inside as we changed our clothes. We have clothes stored in his house because of what happened to Yoongi back then. He was ambushed here by another gang who sent him death threats, but he didn't mind as much until that happened. Fortunately, all of us were on our way since he called for a meeting. We guarded him until he recovered, which was around two to three weeks, as he almost died. We also caught the culprits and punished them.

Everybody knew we're going to a strip club but not all of us are coming. I took a quick shower and once I finished, they were in the living room all dressed up and they were just waiting for me.

"I can't go now. They found new information for my sister." Yoongi informed me as he patted my shoulder. I just nodded in understanding since I know how important for him to find his sister.

"Those who are gonna have fun, go now and those who aren't going, stay with me to guard this house," Seokjin said and the six of us bid our farewell to the other four who are staying before heading out.

"Are we only gonna use one car?" I asked and they all nodded.

"Yeah. Your car." Hyejoo said as she threw the key towards me and pointed at my car already outside the garage. I caught it swiftly and ran to my car. I entered and it smelled so new. I'm so happy I finally have my dream car!

I started the engine and pressed the gas pedal as I drive towards them with big grins on their faces. I stopped and they immediately entered as they sit on their respective seats. Jungkook is beside me while Hyejoo and Ryujin in the middle and Yugyeom and Jeongin at the very back.

I drove away and the silence engulfed us with only the radio playing songs in the background. Ryujin is just the one talking as she tells me the directions. I gotta keep my character in touch.

Like Ryujin said earlier, we got in here in just fifteen minutes and we're about to enter the club. I came in last because the bouncer knows me. He raised his eyebrows at me and gave me a light smile before I followed them inside.

"So this is what a strip club looks like in real life." The youngest trio shouted in unison because of the loud music of the club.

I looked at the dance floor and saw Sana dancing in front of everyone. Even though she's wearing a mask to hide her identity, I know she's Sana. Fucking hell. I need to talk to her as soon as possible.

"Hey, Hyunjin." I smiled as I greeted him. "Just like yesterday." He smiled and gave me the beer. "Thank you. I'll come back later." I said as I took some bills in my wallet and slid it to the counter before walking away from the bar.

I went closer to the dance floor so that Sana could see me better. I sat down at the front row and watched her do sensual moves to show to everybody. For all the years I've seen her dance, this is the first time I watched her so focused, and I realized just now how perfect she was. From the way her body was built up to the goddess-like structure of her face, it's just perfect.

Her performance finished and I can't help but smile. I'm proud of her, as always.

Now she's going to do her usual routine. I hope she saw me earlier because, to be honest, I was more focused on her body while she dances than on her face and eyes so I don't know if she saw me.

"Hey, Y/N. Come with us." Jungkook said as he got my attention by tapping me on my back. I nodded and drank my beer as we walked to the table they found. I sat beside Ryujin, feet rocking up and down the floor as I get anxious.

They don't know how Sana looks like and that she works here especially as a stripper. They just know I have a friend that is named Sana living with me and Yujin, and they haven't seen her because I explained to them that she doesn't know that I'm part of a gang so they don't really go to my house.

I looked around to look for Sana and there she was, staring straight into mine. It seems like she was looking for me too. When she saw me smile, she smiled back and walked towards me.

Shit! What am I gonna do?

Too fucking late, she's sitting with me already, not giving a fuck about them. "Damn, Y/N. You're too powerful for this world." Yugyeom stated as they all laughed with their eyes on us.

I chuckled awkwardly as I wrapped my arm around Sana's shoulder and leaned into her ear. "Act like you don't know me." I saw how her eyes changed when I whispered those words out of my mouth. She nodded and placed a kiss on my neck.

Am I even doing the right choice?

She stood up from my seat and held her left hand. I held it and we walked away with everyone at the table cheering for me. "Score tonight, Y/N! You deserve it!" What the fuck.

We held hands as we got inside the same private room again. She made me sit down at the chair as she started a song. "Who are they?" Sana asked me as she straddled my lap, exploring my body with her arms.

"They're my friends." She cupped my face, forcing me to look into her eyes. I saw how her eyes went down to my eyes then to my lips.

"What happened to you? Did you get into a fight?"

"I'm okay, Sana. Just a little misunderstanding." I replied. She tapped my wounded lip making me flinch from her touch.

"I'm sorry." She apologized and her next move surprised me.

She removed her mask and kissed me on the lips.

"Is it healed now?" She asked and smiled innocently.

Fuck you, Sana Minatozaki. What did you do to my heart?

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