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"Hey, my caring bastard. How are you? When are you coming back here?" Sana said as a greeting as soon as I accepted her call. I chuckled and walked towards the counter to pay for my drink.

"I'm fine, and it's only been four days. Relax." I said and bowed when I got my change. I took my drink with me and walked out of the store, but I frowned once I didn't see any car waiting for me. I looked around the gasoline station, but I still didn't find it. Did they fucking leave me?!

"Are you still there? Hello, Y/N?" Sana asked on the other line. I forgot that I was having a call with her because I am internally panicking right now. I can't believe they forgot about my ass.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm here." I quickly answered. "I'll call you back later. I'm going to call someone."

"And, who is that?"

"Chill out, will you? I'll call a gang member."

"Okay. Take care, Y/N. Don't get hurt." I hummed before hanging up. I opened my contacts and searched for Jimin's number. I dialed it, and it got immediately answered.

"I think you forgot about me." I said and drank the juice I bought.

"No, we didn't. There's an emergency in the house." I was about to ask why, but his sixth sense got activated, and he answered it himself. "The man that was following Dahyun found her whereabouts and trying to break inside. Dahyun was trying to call you, but you were too busy talking to your girlfriend."

"Huh?! Where the hell is Taehyung?" I asked him, eagerly anticipating his answer. Taehyung was assigned to watch them while we're away, but where is he now when the kids needed him the most?

"He's buying food for their tonight's dinner, and he left his phone there, so he's totally unsuspicious about what's happening." Shit. I got it now. The man already found the house before, and he's watching our moves from afar until he finds the right timing, which is right now.

"Fuck," I heard Jimin curse under his breath. "Y/N, we're stuck in the traffic. Go fucking run. It's only twenty minutes away from us." I took a deep breath before sprinting at full speed. People on the sidewalk are starting to stare at me, but I didn't fucking care about them.

I sighed and ran like I would die if I stopped. Fuck. I'm getting so worried about the kids, especially Dahyun. I remembered what she told me during that night when I made her stay in our apartment. I wouldn't let him take Dahyun away.

I was panting hard when I arrived on the porch. I heard screams and shouts inside, so I entered without hesitation. I saw the man gripping Dahyun's wrist, while Soyeon and Hansol are holding Dahyun back and Moonbin trying his best to remove the intruder's grip away from Dahyun. The other kids, by the stairs, are crying and watching with fear.

"Let go of her!" I shouted as I walked towards them. I took a glance at Dahyun, and she's whimpering in pain. The man didn't even notice that he's hurting Dahyun, and that made me enraged. He turned around when he heard me, and he was wearing a cap and a mask, but I caught a glimpse of his eyes. It held such strange familiarity, but my head couldn't recognize them out.

His eyes made me think a lot that I didn't expect that he would land a hit on my face, making me stumble down on the floor. He started running out of the house, so I stood from my ass straightaway and chased him.

"Ya! Stop!" I shouted, but I tripped on air and felt a sharp pain struck me. Fucking hell. I think I sprained my ankle. I didn't bother standing as I gave up since I know I wouldn't be able to catch up to him with this fucking condition of mine.

Great fucking timing.

I crawled to the farthest side of the sidewalk. I covered my face with my hands and rubbed them up and down in frustration. As I heard footsteps coming close to me, and in a fast motion like wind, I saw Jungkook running towards the direction where the man has gone from, followed by Jimin. I heard a car honking, and I saw that it was the same car that we're using for the past few days. I watched the car until it faded out of my sight.

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