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"Would you be back before I go to work?" Sana asked me while I was tying my shoelaces. She was playing with Tzuyu that is sitting on the kitchen island while waiting for my reply.

I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. "I might be teaching this little girl some things." I answered, and she only nodded. "But, I am pretty sure I could fetch you there." I would claim the title as her chauffeur since I'll make her pay the gasoline anyway.

I straightened my back after I tied the laces neat and tight, looking at Dahyun wearing an oversized hoodie. I'm pretty sure Yujin gave it to her. "Do you need anything?" Sana shook her head.

"Yujin! Do you want something?" I shouted. She's inside the bathroom, and I'm too lazy to walk towards the door to knock.

"Fries that is uncooked and fresh from the freezer!"


"Why not?!" Yujin retorted, and Sana's laughing voice boomed throughout the whole apartment. What the hell.

"Sorry~" She said in a cute voice yet without a hint of sincerity at all. She looked at me while smiling, her cheeks puffing out while I stared at her with a poker face. "Chill. The fuck is wrong with you?" Sana changed her attitude after we had eye contact.

I looked away and shrugged. "Nothing."

"Okay, asshole. Drive safe." I nodded before I walked out of the apartment with Dahyun. I unlocked the car when we got close, and she entered the passenger's seat. I jogged to the other side and opened the car door. Once I got in, I close it with lightness before starting the engine.

"When we got there, are you going to leave me?" She asked after we're one mile away from our apartment. I nodded slowly, unsure about my answer and confused about her question. "Would they be good to me?"

"Of course." I told her with full honesty. Why is she not believing me? "When they took me there, I got treated better than my own family, and they taught us a lot of things, whether it was how to do that specific chore right up to learning boxing. The man who helped us made us go back to studying, and you would also make a lot of friends there. That guy last night, Jungkook, I met him in that house."

"So, that means I'm not the only teenager there?" I hummed in agreement. "How did you find them? The other kids?"

"Most of them are living in the streets. Some of them are like me who ran away from whoever or whatever caused us to have a bad life." I glanced at her and saw her nodding her head as she absorbs all the information I told her. After that, she didn't question me and kept her mouth close.

After wasting thirty minutes, we finally arrived. "Let's go." We unfastened our seatbelts and walked out of the car in unison. I walked first as she trailed behind me. I glanced at her, and I couldn't tell if she is nervous, scared, or both. I held out my hand for support and comfort, and she held it without hesitation shown.

When I knocked on the door, it got answered immediately by Jungkook. "Right on time." He spoke as he flashed me a smile. I smiled back, and we started to remove our shoes off. "Oh, wait. Where's the child?" He asked.

"I'm going to keep her for a while." He only nodded without asking for a further explanation before noticing Dahyun's nervous stance. "It's okay. You'll have a lot of fun here." He told her with his bunny smile.

As we stepped inside, two boys and a girl came running in our direction. It's not only three of them since they are also around ten to fifteen, and I'm pretty sure the others are in school since it's a Tuesday. When Dahyun saw them, she quickly hid her body behind my back. Aw. Dahyun is still a baby, or she's only shy. Probably. She's new to this place. I could relate to her.

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