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Coming home from work, I immediately walked inside my room and changed into comfortable yet casual enough attire. I then went in front of the cheval mirror near my bed and had a fleeting glimpse of my reflection.

My head inclined upward with a ghost of a smile flickering over my lips. I was satisfied, and thereafter I headed out of my room to the kitchen. My younger sister was still there, sitting on a stool and didn't even stretch a single limb.

I stood across from her and observed the area. There was a plate on her left with a few sandwiches, which I assumed that she made by and for herself. Her mind was preoccupied, her hand was busy as she's under a mission to finish some school-related work.

I took one of her sandwiches as I meddled in her homework and snatched it from her. She slowly looked up, her gaze narrowing into a glare. "Y/N..." She meekly muttered my name under her breath and peered.

"Jeez, take a break will you?" I said and met her eyes. "You didn't greet me when I entered through that door, or even turn your head at me." I complained and had another bite of my sandwich.

"I just want to finish them as soon as I can," her eyes flitted from me to the filled plate and grabbed another sandwich, "Am I even doing that right?" She questioned me, becoming unconfident upon the sight of me scanning her answers.

I suddenly burst into laughter and slid the homework back to her side. Her brows almost collided together and viewed me with curiosity dangling in her big, doe eyes. "Yujin, sorry to break this to you, but I remembered nothing." She scoffed, glaring at me lightheartedly before averting her attention to my outfit.

"Are you gonna check on Sana again?" She asked as she looked back into my eyes. I hummed in agreement and brought the rest of the sandwich into my mouth, chewing aloud.

I knew I succeeded at bugging her as her face contorted in a grimace. I quickly stopped, letting out a wave of mischievous giggles as I continued to munch. "Can you just go so I can finish my work?"

"Okay, I'll never set a foot in this house again, Ms. Independent." I retorted and went nearer to the refrigerator and opened it to get some water, hearing her whine as I filled my glass.

"What? You can take care of yourself, right?" I proceeded to tease her further before the rim of the glass touched my lips and tilted my head to the back, swallowing all its contents while hearing her whine once again.

I grinned and chuckled, lowering the glass onto the countertop. "Okay, I'll go now. I'm late." She gave me a thumbs-up and eventually averted her focus back to her homework. I wore my shoes, went out, and locked the door using my spare key before I got to walk away since my sister most of the time forgets to lock the door.

I never wanted to go home without any clue that she was killed by y'know, some motherfuckers out there because of her forgetful, stupid ass.

Time was running, and I was already five minutes late. It was also quite far from our house, but I didn't need to exhaust myself from rushing and I was just going there to test my patience as I will be waiting for my dear friend until her work ends.

It's not like she's going to be mad at me, right? Well, I hope so.

I could only use my feet to come to her workplace, and I don't want to use a cab or a bus to get there quicker. I felt like it's a waste of money, and I'm saving them as much as I can since I've been wanting to have my own car for years now, specifically ever since I finished high school.

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