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I strode across the living room towards my bedroom, turning the lights on as the door opened. I dropped my duffel bag on the carpet floor before jumping on the soft mattress, face-planting myself on my pillow as sleepiness invades my body.

Today marked as the first day of Seokjin or Chef Jin as he wanted us to call him during the whole duration of our culinary class. Since I'm a citizen with no background in the kitchen, I had a hard time. But with Chef Jin's good teaching skills and excruciating remarks, I caught up immediately while feeling ashamed of myself. I should've asked Sana for a little knowledge of cooking. That's one of the things I deeply regret not doing before she left.

Chef Jin is the heavy-handed and solemn side of Seokjin, and I'm honestly not going to survive if Seokjin's attitude is as scary as Chef Jin. I don't care if I sound dramatic or not, but I would gladly jump off a fucking cliff than seeing his different side every day of the week. Seokjin's personality in the kitchen is very different as if he wasn't the same Seokjin we knew who has a great sense of humor and a windshield laugh at all.

It's scary to the point that it made me reminisce about Sanha, one of Sana's primary alters, who still haunts me until this day. But it fascinates me how the name of her other personality is her actual name in Korean.

I lazily fished my phone out of my pocket as I received a call. I accepted it without seeing the caller. I turned my head to the side so I could speak and breathe properly. "Yo, what's up?" I greeted nonchalantly.

"What kind of greeting is that? And why didn't you call me the whole day?" My eyes shot open as the tiredness evaporated from my body once I heard my girlfriend's voice for the first time today.

"Our mentor confiscated our phones before we started." I countered as I laid flat on my back, staring at the white ceiling. She made sad yet cute noises, making my heart pump faster. "I'm sorry if I forgot to call you once it finished. I got so tired."

"Ah, no, it's okay. I understand." She immediately replied. "Are you going to sleep now?"

"I can make time for you," I said casually while Sana, on the other hand, blushed at my words. "So, how's your day? How's your first psychotherapy session?"

"It went well. Mr. Hoseok is a very kindhearted man, and Yoongi oppa didn't leave my side." She said, and a soft smile got placed on my lips.

"That's good to hear."

"You sound tired, Y/N. Go to sleep." She told me in an authoritative yet worrying tone at the same time. I opened my mouth to speak, but she cut me off. "I know you cherish me so much, but don't be stubborn. We have our whole life to call each other." She continued before her giggles were all I could hear, giving me a piece of peace.

"Okay. Have a good night, Sana. You should too." I told her in defeat as I don't want to get in an argument with her.

She hummed. "Yes, honey, I will. Good night. Bye-bye." She bade and hung up. I got so energized by only hearing my girlfriend's voice, and even if I don't talk about it, Sana's slowly starting to become my source of strength and energy. I guess I fell head over heels over Sana, and I'm liking and disliking it at the same time.

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