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We're in my car, driving her back home, but I'm going back to the club to drive Momo to her house with the help of Hyunjin. The atmosphere inside the vehicle was something unexplainable. I couldn't pinpoint out whether it was awkward or just straight up silent. It's weird and very off so I didn't bother to talk, neither did Sana.

I can't still get the jealousy off of me when I saw her with another man. My perspective, the way I see her, the way I act towards her, became different when I realized that I like her. I know it's in her nature of working as a stripper to entertain men but it's hard not to mind about it. I never thought this would lead me on becoming a miserable asshole. I never thought liking my best friend would've been this difficult.

"How was Yujin?" Sana spoke, starting our first conversation for tonight. "Did you already find who beat her up?"

"Yujin was okay and just needed more rest. And, yeah, we found them."

"Oh. What did you guys do to them?" Besides shooting them in their heads and blowing their brains out, what else did I do?

I shrugged my shoulders as an answer and focused on the road. Another minute of silence passed before Sana spoke between us. "You spent a lot of money tonight, huh? How was your time with Soojin?"

"It was good. I had a lot of fun with her." I answered truthfully because I did enjoy my time with her. I had fun talking to her and everything.

"Ah..." Sana said. "What did you guys do in the champagne room?"

"Drank champagne." I chuckled and I could feel her rolling her eyes on me. "She danced on me while she was fully nude and we talked a lot."

"That's all you did for an hour?" I glanced at her and she was raising her left eyebrow at me. It's good to be honest than to keep something from her, right? Okay.

"We got a little intimate at one point that she left a hickey on me, and we just really talked for the remaining time." I told her and I didn't receive any reply from her after that.

"How about you? How much did you earn?" I asked and we're getting close at our apartment.

"I earned two thousand dollars tonight. That man beside your table in the VIP earlier spoiled me too much." I nodded and I wished I didn't ask her. We arrived at our apartment and helped her get inside the house since she said that her feet were hurting.

I went back to the door and I stopped moving when she called out my name. "Where in the hell are you going now?" She asked me, looking at me as she kept massaging her sore feet after wearing boots with heels for hours.

"I'm going back to the club," I answered.

She scoffed and stared at me with deadly eyes. "What now? You're going back to Soojin? Haven't you got enough attention from her? Or, are you going back to that woman who was clinging at you like a damn koala at the VIP floor?"

"That was Momo. I'm going to drive her to her house. She's drunk and she's not in the right state to do something on her own. She needs me." I calmly answered even though I'm getting uncomfortable by her stare. When I didn't hear anything from her anymore, I twisted the doorknob open but stopped when she spoke again.

"What makes you think I don't need you?" I looked at her, giving her a confused look. "Didn't you think I need someone too? I'm exhausted from dancing, from entertaining men to have money. My body is hurting and my feet are sore. I need you to accompany me, Y/N. I'm tired and I need someone by my side."

"Sana, I'll be back quick. I'm just going to drive her home and–" She interrupted me.

"Do you like her?" She asked me. I looked at her and shook my head.

"No, I don't. I like someone else." Which is you. "I'll be back as soon as possible." I didn't wait for her response and left the apartment, running to my car, and drove back to the club. Sana sighed in exasperation and prepared herself to sleep.

When I arrived, I already saw Hyunjin holding a drunk Momo outside the club, trying to keep her shit together. I rolled the window down and Hyunjin immediately walked towards my car. I went out and helped him lay Momo down on the backseat.

"How about the bar?" I asked when we settled down.

"Don't worry about it." I nodded and I drove away. During the ride, he was telling me the directions of her house which lead me to ask him, "How did you know her house?"

"Her boyfriend is my uncle."

"So you knew all of this?" He nodded and looked down. "Why didn't you fight for her?"

"I can't. That would be too risky."

Risky? Is her boyfriend a dangerous man? What if her boyfriend is the same as me, a part of a gang? What if I'm right? I was about to ask for his name when he told me to park the car at the side. I followed, and we went out together.

"Is her boyfriend home?" He answered a 'no' and we continued to carry her, her left arm was wrapped around my shoulder while Hyunjin did the same to her right.

"He's always busy." He answered before ringing the doorbell. The door opened and we were greeted by a woman in her early thirties. She opened the door widely for us and put Momo on the couch carefully.

I heard the woman sigh. "I told her not to be drunk anymore since I wouldn't get to babysit her child tomorrow because I have work." She said and dropped the bomb without her knowing. She. Has. A. Child. A fucking child!

"How's she?" She asked us. I looked at Hyunjin, and he understood what I meant.

"He... he left bruises on her again." The woman deeply sighed, massaging her temples.

"Anyway, what's your name? Thank you for taking her home safe." She said and smiled. I smiled back and bowed.

"I'm Y/N, and you are...?"

"Hana. I'm her older sister." I nodded and shook hands with her.

"I got to go now. My friend needs me." They nodded in understanding and I bid my farewell to them before heading out of their house. I'm going to visit Momo tomorrow. I looked at their house once again and stepped on the gas pedal, speeding away.

In just twenty minutes, I arrived at our apartment. I entered the gate and walked towards the front door. It was unlocked and Sana didn't even bother to lock it since I told her I'll be back as soon as possible. Does she trust me that much?

I shook that stupid thought away as she probably just forgot it. I locked the door and went towards our shared bedroom. I entered quietly and found her sleeping, tucked under the comforter.

I quickly stripped my clothes off and decided to have a quick half-body shower, changed into my athleisure clothing after. I carefully went on the bed, trying not to wake her up as I turned the lights off before laying down completely. I moved closer to her as I snaked my left arm on her waist and kissed her shoulder before closing my own eyes with a lot of thoughts running inside my head.

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