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"Yujin-ah, I would be back tomorrow, and I'm going to check on Sana." She just nodded and laid her back on the mattress, her eyes focused on the movie playing on the TV. I walked towards the door and twisted the doorknob open, closing it once I stepped out of her room.

I went down and saw Seokjin alone in the kitchen. I called him out and he snapped his neck towards my direction. "Yeah?" He asked.

"I gotta go now. I'll be back tomorrow."

"Sure. Drive safe!" I nodded before turning my back on him, walking out of his home. I entered my car, put the keys in the ignition, which started the engine before I drove away to my destination.

After twenty minutes of silence, I arrived and parked my car on the right side of the club. I walked towards the entrance, greeted the bouncer that I knew before entering the big double doors.

As I got inside, a woman behind the desk greeted me and like the usual routine, I paid, which I assume was some type of entrance fee, before walking in the dim hallway. At the end of it, I was welcomed by a guard. I'm a regular so everybody could recognize me in one look. I entered the main floor and walked towards the VIP floor on the left side, a more secluded part of the main floor.

Hyunjin saw me as I came inside the VIP floor, waving his hand excitedly. I gave him a small smile and sat in front of him while he was behind the counter. "Usual?" I nodded. I was supposed to get drunk tonight but I remembered no one's going to drive Sana home.

"Did Sana perform already?" He shook his head while I nodded, having a taste of the beer. We continued talking to one another to catch up with that one day wherein I didn't come because I was at Yoongi's house.

"Hey! Sana is performing now, with Soojin!" He informed me as his eyes were on the main stage. I followed him and faced my right, seeing Soojin on the left pole while Sana on the right that I could be able to see her even if I'm far away from her.

I looked down at her outfit and choked on my beer. I coughed violently as the song started, with Sana and I sharing glances. Fucking hell! This was her most revealing outfit so far. A black bra that revealed fifty percent of her... breasts, very short black shorts, black stockings, black boots with heels that reached below her knees, and of course a black mask to cover her identity.

She's so fucking attractive with or without showing her face.

"Y/N," Hyunjin called me and laughed. "Are you okay? Was Sana too sexy tonight that you fucking choked?" He teased. I glared at him for a second before focusing on Sana as she danced sensually, erotically in front of those people, mostly men. Hyunjin laughed but I didn't mind him.

This is the distraction I needed after what happened earlier.

The first song just finished and the second song started right away. I was too invested, or more like I was hypnotized by Sana. She would glance at me whenever she got the chance to and I feel so special. I don't know why I felt that way but I did feel special. Mainly because she doesn't make eye contact, as she focused on dancing, with other people who are enjoying their closer view of her and Soojin.

I clapped my hands proudly when their performance on the main stage ended wonderfully. Sana moved down the stage and went to the side stage to perform two songs again. As I expected, a lot of men would follow her movements. I rolled my eyes and planned to go out of the VIP to have a closer look at Sana when I saw Momo going towards us, and it's obvious that she was intoxicated with alcohol as she wobbled on her way.

I caught her in my arms before her face met the floor. She opened my legs wide, which made me taken aback, as she sat in the free space. We're sitting on one stool as her back was resting on my chest, her head dangling on top of my shoulder. I could smell her and it was a mix of perfume and alcohol.

I looked at Hyunjin and he just frowned. He helped me move Momo to a table in front of the stage that is still unoccupied. I sat beside her, while Hyunjin went back on the counter. I cupped her face as I noticed something. I scowled when I saw a dark bruise circling her right eye.

"Momo, who did this to you?" She didn't answer me as she removed her jacket, leaving her with a black t-shirt and since it wasn't that dark, I saw many purple bruises formed in her arms and neck. This is clearly not a good sight to see.

"I want to get away from him. Help me." She begged and looked at me with water forming in her eyes. She was getting abused by a guy that I don't know, and I never knew she's been experiencing this outside the club. I put her jacket back on and pulled her chair closer to mine. She automatically moved to sit on my lap as she rested her face on the crook of my neck, wrapping her arms around my waist and I let her. She needed someone to be with her and I volunteered, but I have questions that are remained unanswered and only Momo could answer them.

I felt my blood boiling for the second time today as I remembered what Yoongi said about Youngbin.

"Fuck off. You do drugs and you're abusing your girlfriend. How would your child react when she knew all your wrongdoings?"

She couldn't be his boyfriend, right? This is probably a coincidence. Does she even have a child? A daughter to be exact? I don't know anything about her so I don't want to assume things, but I hope I'm wrong. She isn't the only woman that getting treated like shit.

"Hey! I need Sana in this stage. Now!" A man shouted beside our table with his other friends. The guard heard it and headed somewhere, leaving the VIP floor unguarded. Only the regular customers and the ones that have VIP privileges could come in here, but I know it would be fine since there are a lot of surveillance cameras roaming around this club.

The guard came back with Sana trailing behind him. She didn't leave her eyes on me as she came upon the stage. I gave her a small smile like my heart wasn't reacting at all and the song started. Oh, for fuck's sake, I want to beat the shit out of those men who made her come here.

Momo and I were sitting down on the table nearest the stage that Sana could grab me when she went to the edge of the stage and I could see her body up close. It's not that I'm checking her out but I couldn't help it! It's hard to resist not looking at an art like her. This is making me fall for her more.

The men beside us threw a lot of cash towards the stage and that made Sana grin, removing her eyes off me and put some attention to them. I felt something off inside me as she spread her legs in front of them that caused them to cheer. I felt weird that it made me want to punch them until their noses breaks.

I sighed and called Hyunjin. He ran to me and raised his eyebrows in confusion. "I'll go and ask Soojin to dance for me. Can you watch her?" He nodded and we guided Momo towards the bar, made her seat on the stool, and rested her head on the counter so he could see her without worrying too much.

I walked out of the VIP floor with a dark cloud above my head, finding Soojin. She made a move on me days ago but stopped when Sana called me to go home. I saw her walking around so I went in her direction and before I even get close to her, we locked eyes.

"Hey." She smiled and put her hand on top of my shoulder, caressing it sensually. "Want me to dance for you?" I nodded. She took my hand and guided me to the dance room.

She made me sit on one of the chairs while she sat on my lap. The chair next to me was occupied and the guy looked at me with a drunken smile, his eyes droopy. It made me smile back and focused on the woman in front of me. A new song has been played, filling the room with sensual music as Soojin started dancing for me.

By my peripheral vision, I saw Sana going inside with a man. It made my stomach twist and turn because of the bitterness that I'm feeling. I let it slide away and focused on Soojin, which was kind of effective as I put all my attention on her and her body that it made me ask her for another dance, forgetting for a moment that I was jealous.

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