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I entered the building with a bouquet in my hand, and the receptionist behind the desk greeted me. I mirrored her smile and asked about the love of my life.

"Is Sana free this hour?"

"I'm not sure about CEO Sana's schedule today. You should go ask her secretary." She answered with a soft smile. "Jennie might be in the cafeteria since it's already lunchtime." She added.

"Oh, okay. Thank you." I bowed a little before accessing the elevator. I sniffed on the flowers as I patiently waited for the elevator to open. Once I got on the upper floor, I immediately headed to the cafeteria and searched for the latter. I didn't mind the employees' stares towards me as this scenario always happens when I decided to pay Sana a visit.

Jennie already found me before I approached their table. "Hey, Jennie, what's up?" I greeted as we high-fived.

"Aren't you going to greet us too?" I turned my head towards the voice and smiled when I saw Hyunjin across Jennie.

"Hello, Hyunjin. Hi, Soojin." I greeted while waving my free hand slightly. "Is Sana free this hour?" I asked the same question directly to Jennie, and I know she knows all of Sana's schedule as she is the secretary.

"You should go there since Mr. Son got an appointment with her." She informed as she checked the time on her watch. "We all know that motherfucker is trying to hit on Sana." I clenched my jaw as I nodded.

"Yeah, you should go, Y/N." Soojin agreed. I gave them a tight-lipped smile before rushing out of the cafeteria. I went towards the uppermost floor of the building, which is Sana's office.

I interrupted their talk as I entered Sana's office without further notice, and all the air in my lungs vanished as Sana set her eyes on me. Her blonde locks that's styled beautifully made her more ethereal than she was, and it made me wonder how did I get so lucky for a woman like her to fall in love with me. I walked towards her table, and she stood up to give me a quick hug. I smiled and presented her with the bouquet I bought on my way.

"Thank you, love." She smiled as she smelled the aroma of the flowers. I settled behind her, snaking my arms around her waist as I pull her close to me, crushing us together. I looked at the businessman across us with a smug look on my face.

"Can't you see we're still talking?" The businessman, or most known as Mr. Son, asked with a rude tone as he looks at me then back to Sana.

"Pretend I'm not here then. I want to spend time with my fiancée." I retorted and snuggled to my soon-to-be wife. He lowkey glared at me as he muttered something under his breath before he continued to talk. I chuckled at his reaction and planted kisses on Sana's neck down to her bare shoulder, and I know it's affecting Sana as she warned me by squeezing my hand, but I didn't listen.

"Can we talk about this over dinner tonight? I feel uncomfortable." He cut himself after talking for a few minutes straight. I glared at him and firmly shook my head. What does he think about me? A five-year-old? This bastard isn't slick, and the audacity of him to ask Sana right in front of me.

"We could talk about this the other day. Here at my office." Sana answered, and he didn't have any choice but to agree while I smiled in victory. "Alright, thank you for your time, Jaehoon." He fixed his things while looking disappointed, and I couldn't help but laugh silently. He glanced at Sana and I's position one last time before leaving us alone.

"He's fucking annoying. He should realize that he got no chance on getting in your pants." I told her as she turned around, facing me.

"We're only talking about business, though." She answered as she laughed at me.

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