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It's a cold Saturday afternoon when I woke up from my deep slumber. As usual, I overslept. This has been going on for over a week already since I am not busy with work these past few days.

I stretched, shouted like a damn sea lion before standing up from the bed. "Good morning to you too!" Sana greeted from outside. I shook my head, smiling, and went straight to the bathroom to wash my face.

When I stepped out of the room, I was welcomed by Sana, who is currently sitting on the couch, smiling at me. That was cute yet creepy at the same time. She didn't blink as we have started a staring competition. I frowned, giving up and headed to the kitchen. What the fuck is she on.

I came back and sat beside her after making some ramen. I can feel her stare at me even though my eyes are focused on the television. This is so fucking weird and uncomfortable.

I looked at her and her lips curved into a smile again, going closer to me until our shoulders are touching. "Sana, you're creeping the hell out of me. Stop." I complained as I put the ramen at the table that is in front of us, between the couch and the television.

She didn't say anything and moved to sit on my lap, her back is glued to my chest and leaning her head until it aligns at the side of my neck. Why is she acting so fucking weird?! I am honestly getting creeped out.

She's facing me again, but this time I looked away since there's a hundred percent our lips will touch and I don't want that shit to happen even if her lips are kissable as hell.

"Look at me," she ordered. I glanced at her quickly before looking away once again and I saw how her eyes were different. This is wrong. Something is wrong.

She put her lips softly on my jaw, stopping me from moving. Fuck! I couldn't move like I was paralyzed in my seat while I let Sana do what she's doing. She took her time until she slowly moved down to my neck.

I thank God that I'm good at controlling my hormones or something we will both regret in the end will happen here right now, on this fucking couch. Plus, my ramen is getting cold!

I pushed her away and stood up from my seat. "Come on, Y/N. We're alone." I shook my head. Does she wants me to fuck her and have a "friends with benefits" kind of relationship with each other?! No fucking way!

"I know you want me too." I shook my head once again. I stood up from the couch and that's where I ran and distanced myself from her. She followed and started to chase me. I screamed in fear and we ran around the living room, dining area, and kitchen. Fortunately, my body is fit so I don't have a problem.

Okay, fuck that. Maybe I do have a problem. We've been running around the apartment for like twenty minutes and this woman isn't giving up any moment. She's so determined and for what? For her to get laid? I don't even know if she's joking with me, but this is not fucking funny anymore! I'm getting tired and I want her to stop.

"Cut the shit, Sana!" I shouted and stopped. It hasn't even been a millisecond when I moved my feet again because she is not stopping.

I thank God again when our doorbell rang. I saw her sat on the stool in the kitchen, with her eyes still on me. I sighed in relief and twisted the doorknob.

It was Yujin, and I didn't let her say anything as I dragged her inside up to her room. I locked it and leaned my body on the door with my chest going up and down in a fast motion as I begged for air.

"What happened? Why are you so sweaty and lacking in air? Did you and Sana–"

"She's been chasing me for twenty minutes straight. Twenty minutes!" I raised my voice a little bit, but it's not loud enough for Sana to hear it. "She's acting so strange like she wasn't Sana at all. I'm so scared."

Yujin laughed. "She's prolly pranking you. She pranked me a week ago."

I'll be happy if she's just pranking me and this shall be the last time that it would happen, but that shit looked so real that I thought we're filming a horror movie and I'm getting chased by a monster named Sana Minatozaki. I thought my life would end if she touched me or something.

"Where did you go anyway?" I asked her.

"A friend's house." She told me and nodded. My heartbeat is finally back to normal and my lungs too. I heard Yujin laughed again so I gave her a glare.

"I'm starving. Let's go outside." I shook my head like a child. I'm really scared right now and maybe Sana is there waiting to jump on me as soon as I open this door. "I'll open the door and you go behind me."

I gripped my hands on her shoulder as I get behind her. She twisted the doorknob and my heart starts beating fast because of nervousness. She took a step forward and I did also.

"Is your family talk finished?" I flinched slightly at Sana's voice. I saw Yujin nodded and I peeped to see Sana's smile. Her eyes are back to how it normally looks and her smile looked harmless.

"Let's go out to eat lunch. My treat." Sana's back to herself and I'm more than grateful that she knocked it off, or else I will kick her out of this house.

Just kidding. As if I can do that.

I shook my head. "I can't." That was all I said and looked anywhere that is not her. To be fucking honest, everything that happened earlier is still fresh and here she is acting like she didn't ask me to have sex with her earlier!

"Why?" Sana asked, and this time I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Boss called for a meeting." I simply answered as I removed my hands away from Yujin's shoulders, walking to me and Sana's shared bedroom. I didn't know Sana was following me if she didn't speak.

"What are we going to do for tomorrow?"

I turned around and gave her a confused look. "Huh?"

"Are you being serious right now?" She put her hands on her hips and glared at me. Is there an occasion for tomorrow?

"Just say it."

"Tomorrow is the 8th year of our friendship. Fuck you for not remembering."

Oh, shit. Can somebody bury me alive? I walked closer and pulled her into my arms. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you tomorrow."

"Fuck you." She told me after she removed herself from the embrace. "I'll take a bath first, and I don't give a fuck if you'll be late for your meeting." She lightly pushed me away from her and stomped all the way to the bathroom.

I can't blame her for getting so affected. We've been celebrating every year when she started living with us, and it was four years ago. I forgot and I deeply regretted it. I'm going to make it up to her tomorrow.

"Hey." She called me. I turned around and saw her smiling at the doorway with her both middle fingers visible.

I sighed.

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