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"Who knew that this car is what I wanted? I don't remember telling it to y'all." I asked them. The other members came here an hour ago since Yoongi called them, saying that their surprise is a success. I learned that they planned this about a month ago and that they shared their money to buy the car.

The thought of them sacrificing their own money for my own happiness made me cry for the second time earlier. They are better than my actual family. My family, specifically to my parents, I haven't heard of them since we ran away and I don't give a fuck anymore.

"Boss called Yujin!" Jeongin shouted his answer. It was so loud that I jumped slightly at my seat and I received waves of laughter from them. "Oops. I'm sorry." He smiled. He's so smiley that no one will think he is part of a gang. Add the fact that he's still studying, just like Yujin and the other two, Hyejoo and Ryujin, who are also part of us.

Yoongi did the same to them like what he did to me and Yujin. He helped them in exchange for them working for him, to be part of his gang. They've been with us for three years already.

"Is that so?" They all nodded. That's why. Even Yujin is part of their plan? Wow. How are they good at keeping things from me?

Yoongi came back with rabokki with Seokjin trailing behind him, also holding a bowl of the same dish. It was still hot as they put it on the table. We waited for them to sit down before we attacked the food in front of us.

"Thank you for the food!" We said in chorus and started to eat.


We still stayed at his house after filling up our stomachs, and we did anything that we wanted to do until it's time to go, whether it's playing pool, playing video games in the living room, warming up in the basement, or taking a nap — just like what our boss did.

"Let's use the usual cars." He ordered when we got inside his garage. He gave me the key while the other one to Yugyeom. We quickly entered the car with me on the driver seat and Yoongi beside me, while the youngest trio was on the back seat.

The place was not so far from here and it doesn't stand out at all since it looks like a haunted, abandoned warehouse on the outside but in reality, the interior was repaired and was just used for fights against other gangs. It's in the secluded part of the city, so no one will really don't give a fuck since they also have their own businesses to mind.

Once we arrived, we parked it just beside the warehouse. I was the last one to get out of the car and locked it. I already saw everyone entering by the door but Yoongi and Seokjin are still having a talk in the other car. I guess it's about what I think it is.

I shrugged and followed everyone inside. The other gang is already here, and they're at the farthest side of the warehouse while we're on the other side. I already expected they will outnumber us, and I was right. They're around seventeen while we're just ten since Seokjin doesn't do this shit anymore. He was just our human first aid kit now.

"Well, well, well. Here comes the motherfucker who will die tonight." I looked at them and it was their stupid ass leader. He smirked like he thought he's going to scare the shit out of me. I held my middle fingers up in the air and smiled fakely, the same thing that Sana did to me earlier. I saw how his smirk faded on his face and glared at me.

Yoongi, the one that everyone has been waiting for joined us already, and I know it wasn't the same Yoongi anymore.

"Let's end this quick, you fuckers."

Uh-oh. Here comes the monster.

Everyone started walking to the middle and that's how the fight started. We're gonna get those three million won. Two came up to me and it was his leader and his minion. This is too fucking easy.

I bent down so I couldn't get hit as he attacked me before kicking him in the stomach. I then pushed his minion to the ground and started breaking his face. He couldn't even fight me. I saw the other stood up from my peripheral vision and I know he's going to hit me, but he couldn't since I was faster than him and kicked him again, this time in his balls. He curled in the ground as he groaned in pain that I gave him while holding on to his crotch.

Damn. I think his minion is not breathing anymore. He's not moving at all. I went to him and checked his pulse. Thank goodness he's still breathing. I looked at everyone and saw Jeongin getting cornered up with three guys. Fuck. I took a bat from a guy in the ground, beaten up as well as I walked to them and in a fast motion, I hit their back each.

I held his chin as I forced him to look at me. I only saw a little bruise on his face and nothing more. "Kid, you alright?" He nodded. "Okay, hit their legs with your bat," I said and turned around to see their fucking leader in his feet while holding a gun and pointed at Yoongi who's busy beating the shit out of his two members.

Nope. If one needs to die, it's not Yoongi, it's fucking him.

I gripped on my bat as I ran towards him. Once I got close, I swung into his leg. He shouted at the contact since I put power in my swing making him remove the hold of his gun. I went on top of him and punched him.

"Playing dirty now, huh?" I said and he fought back as he punched me in the face. He used it as the opportunity to go on top of me and shower me with a lot of punches, but I defended myself quite well. He only got to hit me thrice out of maybe ten, but that shit hurt as fuck.

I took the chance and pushed him off of me. I quickly stood up and kicked him in the stomach once again so he couldn't stand up. I took his gun and pointed it at him. "Try to attack me and I'll blow your brains out," I spoke as I felt blood coming out of my busted lower lip.

I wandered my eyes around the area and all of this asshole's minions are laying down. All of us took a hit but we're not beaten up. I saw Yoongi walking towards us with a look on his face that everyone is afraid of and that includes me. I'm still not used to this Yoongi even if I've been with him a lot of years already.

"Y/N, why is there a gun? Is this his?" I nodded. That was a relief to know he recognizes me.

"He was supposed to shoot you but I stopped him," I told him and his eyes focused on the guy on the floor begging for his life.

"Where's the fucking money?" He asked with venom in his voice. "Youngbin, give us the fucking money or I'll kill you." He threatened to make Youngbin answer quickly.

"I-In my car." He's shaking in fear as he said those words.

"Jungkook and Yugyeom, go to his car and get the money." The two obliged and ran out of this place. I made the poor unlucky guy stand up and held both hands behind his back as if he got arrested while we wait for them to come back.

"Boss, we got the money and it's in the car now," Yugyeom said as he came back. I saw how Yoongi smiled and I felt goosebumps all over my body. It was so fucking scary. He pointed at Youngbin's leg and pulled the trigger. It happened so fast that Youngbin is already on the floor crying. I didn't flinch even that gunshot echoed all throughout this place.

"Let's go." He ordered and we obliged. We left the warehouse with them laying on the floor not knowing if they are still alive or not. Oh, Youngbin is, if he got aided immediately. If he dies, then it's his problem.

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