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⚠️Warning: Mature Content⚠️

"I'm going to buy groceries. I'll be back." I informed them and stood up from the couch, fixing my clothes.

"Can I come?" Sana asked, looking at me with her puppy eyes, but I declined her offer even though she almost got me with that look. I hate her fucking effect on me.

"Take a rest. You can't even walk straight like you were fucked hard last night or something." I told her that caused her to roll her eyes at me. Yujin looked at me as she laughed her ass off.

"You're a caring jerk, do you know that?" I smiled at Sana's words, shrugging my shoulders out of smugness before leaving those two on their own. I just got away from the gasoline station when I received an incoming phone call. I answered it without looking at the caller.

"Hey, Y/N." I immediately recognized the voice and smiled.

"Hyunjin, my guy. What's up?" I put the call on speaker before throwing my phone to the passenger seat and focused on driving.

"Can you come here? I will buy painkillers for Momo unnie, and I need someone to babysit the child."

"I could buy them," I suggested.

"I'm already walking." He told me.

"Okay, sure. I'll be there in five."

"Thank you." I heard him say before he hung up the call. I changed my route to Momo's house, and thank God that it wasn't that far from where I am right now. It was almost in a snap of the fingers when I arrived, or maybe because I was recklessly driving.

The door was unlocked when I twisted the doorknob, and Momo on the couch and a little girl sitting on the floor was the view that welcomed me when I entered. Hyunjin didn't bother locking the door when there is a possibility a burglar might break-in.

"Y/N?" Momo spoke when she saw me. I waved my hand and smiled while she stood up and fell on the floor. Oh, shit! I ran towards her and kneeled. "Fuck. My head." Momo muttered under her breath as I carried her in a bridal style.

"Why were you even staying at the couch? You should be under the sheets." I nagged at her, but she only stayed quiet as we ascended the stairs with her daughter trailing us from behind.

"Mommy's room!" She exclaimed and ran towards a door. She became my guide and followed her inside. I laid her down on the bed, but she pulled me that we're both laying down with her snuggling onto me. I didn't mind and let her, while I covered us with a blanket with the help of her child.

I fixed our position since I was getting uncomfortable as time passes by. Momo was now on top of me. Her head at the crook of my neck while I hugged her back. The little girl laid down beside us, and I wrapped my arm around her body so she could have the chance to hug her mother.

"What's your name, kid?"

"My name is Son Chaeyoung!" The little girl, which I will now call Chaeyoung starting from now, enthusiastically introduced herself. I felt Momo moving her head, shaking it.

"No. You would use my last name from now on, my daughter. Do you understand?" Momo told her daughter. Chaeyoung only nodded her head, smiling innocently. This pure little thing.

"I like Hirai Chaeyoung more!" Chaeyoung said with a lot of energy, and I could feel Momo smiling. We stayed in the same position for a long time before the door opened.

I pushed Momo lightly to the side when I finally saw Hyunjin. I checked my phone, and he was gone for a whole hour. A damn hour! It's not like I'm rushing, but why did he take an hour to buy them? "What took you so long?" I asked, and I anticipate a valid reason from him.

"I walked a grandma to her home. She was alone, and she was holding a lot of groceries, so I decided to help her out." He explained. Now that was you called valid reason. "Thank you for accompanying them, Y/N. Also, don't tell anyone about Momo's condition, even Sana. Please?" I nodded, and he smiled.

"Don't worry about it. I gotta go now." He nodded, and I went out of her house, locking the front door on my own just in case Hyunjin forgets it since he's taking care of a sick Momo and babysitting Chaeyoung at the same time.

I arrived at the store twenty minutes after and used another hour to do grocery shopping. Once the groceries got checked out, I took the plastic bags using my hands and rushed to my car. I put them on the truck and jogged to the driver's seat. I inserted the key to the ignition lock cylinder, and the engine started, quickly stepping on the gas pedal as I drove back to our apartment.

I arrived in no time since I have a lot of thoughts on my head again. I took the bags from the trunk before locking the car, walking towards the front door. I checked if the door is unlocked, and it is. Do they even care about their life? Why do they keep forgetting to lock the damn door? It is getting frustrating.

I entered and put the groceries in the kitchen. "Who would fucking buy groceries for almost three hours?" I turned around when I heard Sana's voice. She was staring deadly into my eyes.

"Hyunjin called me to accompany Momo for a while since she's sick."

"Ah... Momo. For the second time. It's pissing me off." I can't fucking believe we're going to fight about this shit.

"What now?"

"Oh, really? Am I not in pain too?"

"I just helped a friend out. Why are you making this big of a deal? You're confusing the shit out of me." I told her and leaned my body on the counter while she crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Why does she keep rolling her eyes? It's annoying as shit.

"You left me again for the same fucking girl! Do you think that wouldn't make me pissed?!" She started raising her voice, and I felt angry.

"She's my friend, Sana, and I didn't even take long. Shouldn't you be happy for me?! I found new friends that are not in the gang after so many years. I can't always keep my eyes on you!"

"Fuck you then! Did my loyalty didn't reach you?! I lost all of my friends because I chose you! I chose one out of many!" She shouted back, and I could see water forming in her eyes. "Are you getting tired of seeing my face every day? Is that why you're finding new ones? Are you getting tired of me?"

"Don't be fucking ridiculous, Sana!" I answered. "Why are we even fighting about this? I'm just helping a goddamn friend out, and here you are getting so affected and shit! What is wrong with it?!"

"Because you don't fucking understand!"

"Understand what?! What should I understand, Sana?!" I fought back and walked closer to her, but Yujin came and stopped us.

"Can you two stop fighting?! My girlfriend is here, and you're making her uncomfortable! If you continue, I will make that Momo girl you two are bickering about come here."

"Don't you dare, Yujin." Sana warned her. "Fuck this shit. I'm going to prepare for work." She said and walked away from the kitchen.

"What the hell are you doing?! Aren't your feet hurting?" I asked when I followed her inside our bedroom.

"Get the fuck out! Don't talk to me." She said and went inside the bathroom without forgetting to slam the door. My hand turned into a fist and punched the bed multiple times, releasing my anger before walking out of the room.

Yujin sighed as she entered her room with Minjoo sitting on her bed, waiting for her. "I can't believe them. They're too stupid to understand each other's feelings." Yujin spoke while Minjoo looked calm as she chuckled and pulled Yujin into a hug.

"Let them write their love story at their own pace. Time will tell, Yujin. They're adults."

"Adults yet stupid when it comes to things like this." Minjoo laughed and hugged her girlfriend tighter.

A/N: Just joking 🤣🤣 So sweet, right? Love you guys 🤪

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