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Jennie and I should be out of the mall if we didn't fall foul of a friend of mine. I almost lost my hold of a damn box that contained the clothing rack that I still need to assemble when I got home. Sana mentioned before that she's planning to buy a clothing rack because her clothes are getting more and more, so I bought it. Her closet is damn stuffed, and that every time she would open it, some would fall, and hell, she even forced me to put some of her clothes in my closet because of it.

"Hey, Lisa, how are you? Is Irene with you?" I asked as I looked around my surroundings. I looked at her when she laughed, shaking her head.

"You looked traumatized." She naughtily smiled. Of course, I am! Fucking hell. "I am okay, by the way. Who's that girl beside you?" She said as she gestured towards Jennie. Lisa couldn't see her since she's wearing a bucket hat while looking down on the floor.

"A friend of mine."

"Is it that Sana that you told us when we're at my bar?" Fuck my mouth. I would never drink again. I don't want Sana to get into trouble because of my own stupidity.

I scratched the back of my nape out of awkwardness and shook my head. "Oh, okay. See you around?"

"Yeah." I nodded, and we fist bumped before we went towards our way. I checked my phone when I noticed that the sky is dark, seeing that it's already eight o'clock. "Is there any chance that you know Lisa?" I asked her when we got inside the car. She removed her hat and looked at me, nodding her head.

"That's my crazy ex." What a small world again. I should really expect the unexpected next time.

"Define crazy." I said as we fastened our seatbelts before I turned on the engine.

"So one time, I caught her coated with blood." She continued once I stepped on the gas pedal. I imagined the scenario while Jennie's face is in shocked mode. I'm used to seeing those since that's what I am, but Jennie isn't. She's only a normal girl living her life ordinarily. I couldn't blame her since we couldn't see that in our daily life. I would be surprised too if ever Sana went home like that.

"She then confessed to me that she was part of a mafia. That's crazy..." She muttered the last part, but I heard her. "How did you know her? Are you part of their mafia too?" I shook my head.

"No, but I worked for them." I glanced at her to see her reaction, but she only nodded her head. "Why aren't you surprised?" I asked.

"It's because she told me that she doesn't have any friends outside her work, and you looked like one of them." That's valid. "I still stayed with her once I knew, but she was the one who broke up with me. I badly wanted to slap her earlier."

I chuckled. "Do you wanna talk to Lisa?" She only shrugged her shoulders, so I didn't speak anymore and focused on driving. We arrived at a speed of light, and Jennie is asleep once I turned my head in her direction.

"Yo, Jennie," I whispered and shook her body lightly. "Nini, wake up, or I'll call Lisa."

"I'm awake." She replied after a moment, raising her left hand, which caused me to laugh. "Cute nickname." I hummed. I didn't plan to give her a nickname. That only came out of nowhere.

I went out, and she followed me. She went to my side as I took her bag that contains her outfit, makeup kit, and other essentials. That's what exactly she said earlier. I handed it to her, and she gladly took it.

She suddenly faced me, looking up at me without saying anything to me. Oh, is she going to kiss me? Kidding. "Did you have fun?" She asked me, and I nodded. "Thank you for today, seriously. You're the first person I've hung out other than my family this year."

"I must feel special then." I said in a joking manner, and she chuckled. "No worries, honestly. I'm glad that I made you happy." I smiled. She stooped closer, tiptoed, and kissed me on the cheek. She did kiss me, but only on the cheek.

"Are you coming inside?"

"Yeah. Sana's coming." She nodded, and we walked beside each other, our legs synchronizing. I entered, but I was dragged back by a bouncer. What the fuck? Is he trying to square me up or something? I almost punched him if and only if Sana didn't come to the scene.

"Thanks, man." She said, and she's now the one dragging me. Did she plan that? I can't believe her, I swear. We entered the car again and sat in silence. Awkward. Too much awkwardness in the air and I'm not liking it any bit.

"Oh! I bought the clothing rack you–" My sentence got cut off when she grabbed my chin and kissed me on the lips. Holy guacamole. What the fuck just happened? Did she kiss me? Sana kissed me?!

I widened my eyes at the realization and stared at the steering wheel, dazing out. Fuck. I think an active volcano of butterflies erupted in my stomach while heat rushing up to my cheeks. Feeling this romantic excitement inside me made me giddy.

"Y/N, I like you." She confessed, and those three words caused my ass to malfunction. "No, scratch that. I've loved you ever since, and I hated it so bad when other women come at you, you fucking magnet. I don't know if you feel the same way, but–" I cut her off like she did earlier and kissed her this time, which she reciprocated.

She cupped my face and started to kiss me deeper. I gripped her waist and made her sit on my lap as we continued the savor the moment. I stopped moving along with hers, which made her stare at me with anticipation and sadness.

"I want to say this also. I like you too, Sana." I told her genuinely, which made a smile grew across her face that straight up came from a painting.

I smiled and pecked her lips. "Kiss me again, please." I didn't follow her and only peck her lips multiple times until she got impatient and connected her lips into mine, cupping my face as she kissed me passionately. I reclined the seat and pushed it back to give us more space without breaking our kiss. I bit her lower lip for entrance, which she did that resulted in my tongue enter.

"I only thought I'm a chance you won't take." She spoke when I trailed soft kisses down on her neck. "You made me the happiest woman, Y/N. Thank you." She kept moaning softly but still finished what she's trying to say. I looked back at her and kissed her forehead.

I've waited eight years for this. Sana said in her head, and she doesn't know why she couldn't speak it freely to me. She only smiled and poked my nose.

"Are you still coming to work?" I asked as I started to give her kisses around her neck again. I couldn't control myself anymore, and I wouldn't get enough of her anytime sooner. Oh, I never will.

I found her soft spot as she moaned sinfully, so I decided to leave a mark. "Do you think I would be able to go to work when you're torturing me with that lips of yours?" She told me while glaring.

"Let's go home and cuddle."

"Are you sure we're only going to cuddle?" Sana eyed me with her left eyebrow raised.

"Let's go home, cuddle, and make out." I paraphrased, and she laughed. I drove away and intertwined my fingers with hers. I glanced at her, and she's staring back at me full of love and adoration.

I wouldn't be able to forget this night. Sana is mine, bitches.

A/N: Another fight and cold shoulder? Nah-uh. Confession and kiss scene it is 😌👍🏼 I really planned this to be 30th chapter hahahaha and no update tomorrow if you're wondering

An advanced Valentine's gift for y'all. 🥰

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