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"I thought you were a drug dealer." I burst out laughing when I heard her say that. Out of all the things, a drug dealer? Really? That was completely off the table and there's no way in hell that's going to happen. It's ironic if I was doing drug-related work when I have so much hatred and disgust towards my parents who are drug addicts.

"That's worse than being in a gang." I replied and she just hummed. We've been in the same position while we keep talking about my work for the past hour because Sana randomly asks about it and yet this is the far most ridiculous thing I heard from her.

"Would you come tonight?" She asked as she meant about the club. She felt my shoulders shrug making her remove her head from my neck and looked at me with intensity. I gathered up my shit together and looked straight into her eyes.

Well, shit. Not long enough when I saw her eyes trailed down on my lips.

Her eyes went back and locked on mine, having a staring competition. I felt her finger moved to my jaw, tracing my jawline as I felt her move closer to me, yet I didn't bother to move as I was once again hypnotized and drowned in her eyes filled with treasure of emotions.

Our faces were millimeters away from each other, our noses were almost touching, and I saw her closing her eyes as she leaned towards me when my goddamn phone started ringing. I didn't know whether it was a bad thing or a good thing. She shrieked and sat up, not feeling the warmth she's been sharing with me anymore making me feel a bit disappointed.

I followed her and sat up straight too, taking the phone out of my pocket and answered the call. I did see the caller before I answered and it was from Seokjin. He's the first one who spoke between us and I just know this will be related to my sister.

"Yujin is awake now. Do you want to see her?"

"Yeah, of course. I will go there in a few." I replied.

"Okay, and Yoongi informed me that he is arriving in thirty minutes."

"Thanks. I'll get going." I said and hung up the call. I turned my phone off and looked at my right seeing Sana staring back at me before her eyes looked away. I know she's been listening to me the whole time and I understand we would be awkward because what happened earlier was something we shouldn't recall and should never be talked about since that would make us more feel awkward with one another.

"I gotta go and see Yujin. She's awake." I told her and stood up, walking towards the door. She quickly moved and blocked my way, standing in front of me with her arms spread open.

"I want to see her too." I shook my head and she pouted.

"That could put you into danger, Sana. I'll promise I'll bring her back as soon as possible." I took a step on my right and she followed, preventing me from moving forward. I sighed. "Sana, please... you need to understand. I'm just doing what's good for you."

"I don't understand why it's going to be dangerous."

"We have a lot of enemies, Sana. I don't want them to find you and use my weakness against me. The world I'm living in isn't suitable for a precious woman like you, so I need you to understand." I cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead before I resumed walking. This time, she didn't stop me as she just watched me go out of the house.

That move I made shocked me to my bones. It didn't cross my mind and it just happened in a blink of an eye. I didn't know that I would be able to do that when all of the emotions I'm bottling up inside me feel like exploding any second. I have gone mad. I wasn't like this. She's making me go crazy.

I saw her by the door, waving her hand towards me. A smile crept up on my face before I stepped on the gas pedal, driving away from the apartment. I would see Yujin again and I don't think I would give mercy towards the culprit who beat my sister until she was unconscious. The image that I imagined in my head made me more furious and excited to find the one who did that to her. If I found them and thought I would go easy on them, they're fucking wrong.

In no time, I arrived at Seokjin's home and rang the bell as I did earlier. The front door opened right after and he opened the gate for me. We went inside his home together and ascended upstairs to the room where Yujin was staying at the moment.

We entered the room and we were welcomed at the sight of Yujin talking to a man wearing formal clothing as his top was covered by a white coat, so I already assumed that it was a doctor. It was nice to see Yujin smiling again. My cute little puppy is back to herself.

"This is Dr. Kim. He helped me get Yujin out of the hospital, and he's a good friend of mine too." Seokjin introduced him and Dr. Kim held his hand out, which I shook gladly as we smiled at each other.

"I will rather be called Namjoon than Dr. Kim outside the hospital." He said. This man is tall and fine as hell.

I nodded. "Nice to meet you and thank you for taking care of my sister, Namjoon. I'm Y/N." We gave toothy smiles to each other for the last time before I moved to sit on Yujin's bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her and she just gave me a small smile and a thumbs-up. "Namjoon, how long would be she able to recover? I want her back to my apartment as soon as possible."

"Well, she–" His sentence was cut off when the door slammed open, revealing Jeongin who is sweating badly and panting. It's obvious that he ran to here because of how heavy his breathing is, but what the hell was going on? What happened to him? Did someone was chasing him before he came here?

We let him breathe normally and not a minute after, someone came to the room. It was Yoongi in a black suit, wearing a serious expression on his face as he scanned Yujin's face from the doorway. He let out an audible sigh and entered the room, closing it.

"I saw you running. Care to explain? And, what's that paper you're holding?" Yoongi asked Jeongin who held the paper up and looked at each one of us. Why do I feel like this is something good to hear about.

"I-I found who is behind all of this." That is definitely something good.

A/N: How's the story going so far? 😅

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