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"Tell me, how much did you drink?" We stopped walking and I only noticed that Sana is wearing a sleeveless shirt on this cold night. A damn sleeveless shirt. Why is she wearing that?

I used my fingers to indicate how much beer I took. She rolled her eyes and started walking again. "Six? You're that bored?" I went closer to her as I took a hold of her hand. It's freezing.

"Wear this and hop on my back." I removed the sweatshirt I'm wearing and gave it to her. She smiled and gladly wore it before she hopped on my back. She's very light and I can take her weight easily.

"Don't wear a sleeveless shirt next time, Sana. It's cold, you know." I told her and I feel her lips on my ears. It's ticklish.

"No~ I'll wear a sleeveless shirt tomorrow~" She teased childishly and I just sighed. "If that's the reason for me to give me your sweatshirt and give me a piggyback~"

I chuckled. "Just ask me, Sana. Not a big deal." She kissed me on the cheek and I feel disgusted. I still can't bear her skinship.

We arrived at our apartment and saw Yujin still awake. She stood up and greeted us joyfully. "Hello to you both!" She gave Sana a quick hug and sat back down again.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet?" Sana asked her. I sat beside Yujin and rested my head on the back of the couch.

"I'm not sleepy yet plus it's Saturday tomorrow." She answered and now Yujin faced me.

"So did you see the sexy gi-" I covered her mouth before she even gets to finish her statement. Sana looked at us confusingly so I stood up.

"I will take a rest now. Good night." I said hurriedly before going inside the room, which is me and Sana's room. There are only two rooms and Yujin stays in the other one.

I don't want to take a shower because I showered before I checked on Sana so I only washed my face and brushed my teeth. I'm so tired from work but I need to check on Sana too. I didn't go last night so I went tonight.

I am resting on the bed when Sana entered the room. She removed her makeup and flopped down beside me as she finished. I can feel her looking at me while I kept my eyes on the ceiling.

"Sexy girl, huh? Who's that?" I knew she's gonna ask that. "Is it from the club?"

"Yeah. I don't know her name." I answered. I always see her every time I visit the club but she wasn't there when I came earlier, which sucks.

"Is it a stripper?" I shook my head. "Good." Why is she reacting like that?

"Are you gonna visit tomorrow?" She asked another question. She doesn't want me to sleep. I'm fine.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"Are you gonna ask for a lap dance again?" She asked before laughing. I joined her but her laugh is louder.

"I don't know. I'm not used to you being seductive and such." I said. She suddenly went on top of me, straddling my lap which shocked my whole body and even my soul.

"Then I'm gonna make you used to it." Her face went closer. I smirked and flipped our position. She's not the only one who can be bold.

"You know I can do things to you, hm? I could forget that we're friends, Sana-ya. Be careful." I flicked her forehead softly and went back to the other side of the bed.

"Good night, Sana."

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