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I arrived at our meeting place. I headed inside the restaurant and walked further until I reached the kitchen. I bowed at them and found what I'm looking for. It's a mirror, but if you pushed it, it's a secret door.

It was our boss' office and there's another secret door blending in with the black wall, I entered and when I got to the other side, I was greeted by the stairs. I walked down and heard voices. I knocked before twisting the doorknob.

I smiled as everyone turned their heads towards me. They were already sitting in their seats and there is our boss in the middle of the long table, which is his throne.

"You're late by ten minutes. Care to explain?" He asked. I bowed at him first before explaining my side.

"Sana and I had a little fight, and she took long in the bathroom."

"You have another bathroom."

"Yujin was taking a bath since the three of us were supposed to go out to eat lunch, but obviously I can't go since it's a must that I'll be here," I said in one breath and I heard him chuckle.

"Relax. Go sit." I sat down across my friend and she greeted me with a smile when we had eye contact. I smiled back and listened to whatever he'll be saying.

"A gang is challenging us for three million won." I widen my eyes at how big the money was. That money is more than enough to pay for our expenses in just a month, maybe two months or more.

"When will this happen?" I questioned.

"Tonight in the usual place." I nodded. I wish I don't suffer a major blow on the face or else Sana will ask me a lot of questions. I haven't told her everything about my work. I'm not ready yet. I'm not ready to say that my hands are dirty.

I'm scared that once she knows, she would go away from me and I don't want that. She became someone so special and important to me and I can't afford to lose her. She's my friend who only stayed during all the hardships I faced. She knows everything about me, except this.

"You all know what to do later. Don't kill and don't get killed." He told us and we all nodded. He adjourned this little meeting of us so I stood up and went towards the door but stopped when he called my name.

"Y/N, stay." I followed and walked all the way back to him. Everyone gave me a smile before they walked out of the room leaving me confused and curious. What the hell was all of that about?

"We'll go somewhere. Come with me." He said and we walked out of the room, then out of the restaurant using the other door in the kitchen. We went to the parking lot where his car is and we entered the car at the same time. We drove away while I'm thinking about what will happen.

"Boss, am I in trouble?" I asked. I just want to clarify since I still love my life.

He chuckled. "You're the least one who disappoints me." I mean, he is right. I never did something bad towards him, and I will never going to make him mad at me. He is scary when he is. I've seen it.

"And don't call me 'Boss'. You're a family to me." I nodded even if he couldn't see since he was focused on driving.

"How's the search for your sister?" I asked. He's been searching for years now, and I wish they would see each other soon. He badly wants to meet her after not seeing each other for sixteen years already. That's such a long time and I admired his dedication to find her.

"No new information yet."

"I want to help. Can I know something about her?" I asked and he gave me small smile.

"I only know that her name is Min Sanha and that she is also twenty one like you. I can't imagine what would be her face now since I only met her when she was just five."

"Is she here in the city?" He only shrugged. I didn't ask for more and looked outside. The street is starting to get familiar and the big houses lined up beside each other made me realize that we are going to his house, but why are we going there?

I didn't have the chance to ask as he pulled up in front of his black gate. I followed him as we walked inside and to the garage. What are we doing here? I noticed there's a new car I haven't seen before. The last time I visited, that car wasn't here.

Damn. It was a black Hyundai Santa Fe that I wished to afford and buy. This is the car I'm saving up for.

"So why are we here?" I asked, confused while my eyes are examining the car in my view.

"Here's your key." His words made my neck snap towards his direction. He took it out from the right pocket of his trousers, held my hand up, and put it on my open palm with the smile that I always trust. I was confused, not anymore when the realization kicked me.

Holy shit.

I shook my head furiously while looking at him. "I can't accept this. You have done so much for me and Yujin. I can't." I tried putting it back on his palm, but he just pulled me in for a hug.

"This is my gift for you. I appreciate the trust you have towards me when we first met each other and up until now, and the fact that you didn't leave my side ever since is enough. You and Yujin are my family, so accept my little gift for you. I know that car is what you wanted to have."

I felt my tears pooling up and not long enough it started to fall down from my eyes. My cries turned into an ugly sob as I hugged him tighter. I don't care anymore if I'm crying like a child right now, I want to let him know that I am grateful that I met him, that I trusted my life to him. He didn't betray me and now I'm here, alive, living in a good apartment place, and getting the chance to eat anytime we wanted.

He made me live again.

This is the family I wished to have. This is it.

"Thank you so much, Yoongi. I owe you my life."

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