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Would you believe me if I said I haven't still gotten used to how I'm living right now without my girlfriend's presence beside me? Because that's what I've been feeling ever since. It's been a whole year ever since she left for her treatment, but I didn't contemplate how long it would take. I even bought a bolster pillow as I thought of it as Sana's body I'm hugging. In short, I'm missing her.

Sana and I's relationship are still going strong. She has learned to trust me, which I'm happy about, and she was the one who convinced her brother to stop the other ex-gang members from stalking and watching every move I make. Of course, Yoongi agreed since his weakness is his sister. He has a soft spot for her.

We don't talk every day because I am now working as a cook at Yoongi's renovated restaurant with the other gang members, but we would always make sure that we would video call each other twice a week. I became so busy with my new work, and the restaurant became the talk of the town. A lot of customers are coming in and out every fucking day. Yoongi's business is booming to the point that a branch of his restaurant is already under construction in his hometown, and he's planning to spread his magic around South Korea.

Numerous events happened in the span of a year, and the recent event that occurred is Yujin graduating from high school. As a supportive sibling of Yujin, I'm honestly proud of her. I teared up during the day of her graduation because I really am proud of her. I got surprised that she topped her class, and her grades are beyond average. After all, I never told her to become such a hardworking student because I don't want to put pressure and burden on her shoulders, and I only wanted her to have fun before the real challenge of her life starts.

"I know you wanted me to be chill and not stress about school, but consider this as a gift and as an expression of gratitude for providing me a good life. You're so brave for accepting the life-threatening work, and I wanted to pay you back with what I could only do. You worked hard and became dependent on your own self so you could support both of us. You taught me many things, and one of them I love the most is you taught me how to be grateful for everything that's coming to us. You're my role model, and I want to thank you for all of your sacrifices."

Her words are still vivid until now, and I could remember everything that happened during that day. Her words got implanted in my head, and I would reminisce them every time I got the chance. Her words made a lot of impact on my daily life, and they made me aspire to work harder and become a better person.

As to celebrate her ascending to another step in life, I fulfilled her wish, which goddamn lead us to remove all the things in our bedrooms. The furniture in the living room connected to the kitchen and dining area is already perfect the way it is, and it should stay unbothered. But the bathroom which Yujin uses would also get reconditioned, and the professionals in that department would handle it. We would only touch our bedrooms.

And, yeah, we're fucking renovating.

We started throwing out all the old furniture and unnecessary things in our respective bedrooms a few days ago with the gang, and we're currently repainting the walls to dusty grey. It is per Yujin's request and imaginary thoughts. We're only turning them into reality, but I do trust the process. It would look good by the end, after changing the floor and upgrading the furniture.

We also found out that Yoongi already bought the apartment we're living in before we totally moved in. When I thought I'm paying the apartment bills the whole time, Yoongi, on the other hand, is putting the money back into my bank account. We know he is wealthy, but I badly want to know his net worth. He could spend his riches carelessly on anything that he likes, and he would still have a lot in his pocket by the end of the day. Yoongi is that bitch.

"Stop playing with the paint, Yujin!" I scolded my sister, but she only made a funny face and applied the grey paint on my cheek using her thumb. She laughed at my cold-as-ice expression and stuck her tongue out like a kid.

"Alright, sorry. I'll be serious from now." She giggled and proceeded to help painting the left side of the wall with Taehyung. I shook my head in disbelief and went to assist Jimin on the back wall. The playlist Jungkook is streaming was the only thing we could hear as we focused on our tasks, giving the quiet ambiance some flavor.

My phone suddenly rang, and I saw Yujin flinched from my peripheral vision. I snorted before walking towards the bathroom to wash my hands and remove the paint off my right cheek. I missed the first call, but my phone started ringing for the second time, so I moved faster and dried my hands using the towel. I grabbed it from my pocket and answered it.

"Hello, baby." I greeted as I walked out of the bathroom, and I saw Jungkook acting like he's throwing up, causing me to flip him off. Everybody laughed, including me, before I excused myself.

"Good morning, love. How's the room renovation going on there?" Sana asked as I got out of the doorless entrance. We took out the moveable furniture by extracting all the doors and windows.

"It's doing well. My friends are here, and Yujin is a pain in the ass." I told her, and she laughed in response. "She even wanted to build a pool at the back, but I don't think my money could handle it." I added as I chuckled.

"That would be nice since it's summer." She said, and I hummed in agreement. "I'm hanging out with Mina and Rosé later, by the way."

"Are you really friends with Mina now?"

"Mm-hmm. We've been hanging out for quite a while now, but I still don't trust Mina, though." After years of going at each other's necks, the two fine Japanese women are finally getting along. Wow. My past and my present are hanging out.

Oh, dear. Maybe Rosé is my future.

Kidding, what the fuck.

I would never replace Sana over someone else. It would be Sana and Sana only until the end, until the day I die. I don't know anything about Rosé, and I haven't seen her face, even an inch. I only know Rose's pretty as Sana defines her, and I would believe anything my girlfriend says, so Rosé is pretty.

"That's cool. Uhm, Sana?" I asked as I started to fidget, my right foot bouncing up and down because of the inevitable nervousness invading my body. I gulped the lump of my throat as I waited for her reply.

"Yes, love? Why?"

"I love you." I confessed my profound and genuine love towards her. "Come back soon, please. I miss you so much, baby." I wiped off my forehead filled with sweat as my anxiousness slowly subduing. "Sana? Are you still there?" I asked after a whole minute of silence in the other line.

"Come again?"

"I love you, Minatozaki Sana."

"I love you too, Ahn Y/N." Sana answered before she squealed in excitement, causing me to smile happily. "That was hot coming out of your mouth. I miss you and your touch, honey. Mhm~" My ears perked up when I heard her moan loud and clear.

"Woah, chill out. That was out of the blue. What are you so horny for?" I asked before laughing aloud.

"Mina made us watch all Fifty Shades before, so I'm fucking horny." I choked on my saliva at her answer. "I miss your kisses a lot, and I need you to kiss my pussy next time." What have you done to my girlfriend, Myoui Mina?!

"Sana, what the hell. You're making me feel embarrassed." I told her while playing with my reddened left ear, and she only laughed teasingly. I couldn't handle her dirty talks. She's making me feel fucking weird at the wrong time.

"I'm sorry. I love teasing you." She said and laughed again. I scoffed and shook my head.

"I need to go. I'm going to fetch Tzuyu at her school." I informed her after I checked the time on my phone. "I'll call you later so you could talk to her."

"Alright, love. Drive safe, okay? I love you so much."

"I will. I love you."

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