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I was on the other house to check on Dahyun with Tzuyu when Sana called me. I didn't hesitate and pressed the accept button when I saw her name on the screen.

"Hey. Why'd you call?"

"I got a call from Yujin's phone, but it was her teacher who talked to me. Yujin got into trouble."

"What?" I asked in disbelief before taking a deep breath. I reminded her to keep away from getting into a fight and shit, but here we are in this situation. She's a whole different breed, and I don't know if I should be happy because I know she's also prideful and stubborn as fuck like me or disappointed because we have the same personality.

"Go there now. I'm going to take a bath."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Go, and check on your sister. I'm not going to take long." I said a quick "Okay" before she hung up the call. I ascended the flight of stairs and went inside the room packed with kids, their bedroom.

"Dahyun." I raised my voice a bit louder because they're noisy as heck. They all stopped whatever they are doing and looked towards our way. I saw her walked down on the bunk bed and flashed me a smile.

"Can you take care of Tzuyu for a while? I need to go to Yujin's school." Dahyun agreed without further questions and took the child away from me. "Tzutzu, I'll be back, okay? I'll buy you bread." I said and pinched her cheek, making her giggle.

"Can you buy me chocolate bars too?" I turned her eyes on her and hummed, nodding my head. "Yay! Thank you." I saw her bow a little before I excused myself. I walked back down and noticed Jimin waiting for me by the end of the stairs.

I raised my eyebrows at him to make him speak. "Come to Yoongi hyung's house after you finished dealing with your sister." I nodded and gave him a thumbs-up. He copied my stance, but more dramatically, so I gave him a light squeeze on his shoulder as to warn him. We chuckled together before I walked out of the house.

I arrived in around five minutes in front of her school. I made sure that I locked my car before I headed inside her campus. When I stepped inside, a teacher welcomed me with a polite bow.

"Are you perhaps related to our student Ahn Yujin?" She asked, and I nodded. "This way." She formally said and guided me the way. As we continued to walk, I don't see students walking anywhere, so I assumed they have classes at the moment, and I was right when we passed by the corridor. Hell, I even had eye contact with one of the senior students, and she winked at me. Sana could've murdered her if she was here.

"You could go inside. I'll be heading now to the faculty." She said as we stopped in front of the Principal's office. I nodded and wearily walked inside the office. I was welcomed by Yujin with a smile yet a bandaid across the tip of her nose. What the hell. She really has the guts to smile at me.

In front of her is the family of the boy that I assumed she fought. I didn't focus on them and laid my attention on my sister. "I told you not to get into a goddamn fight." I whispered and pinched the side of her stomach.

She hissed in pain before answering. "He's harassing Minjoo. I saw it with my own eyes." Oh, never mind. I would do the same if someone ever disrespected Sana. I'll let this shit slide for now.

"I'm sorry for the trouble my sister caused." I spoke and bowed.

"What are you saying?! It's literally his fault." Yujin answered and threw glares in my way. I pinched the side of her stomach again, resulting in her muttering a quick apology.

"You're the one who–" Yujin cut him off.

"Your opinion is not valid." She earnestly told him. "You're already making a scene before I went there. You're disrespecting my girlfriend and our relationship."

"You both need to talk this out." One of his family members said. I looked towards the direction of the voice, and my eyes slightly widened. She was classmates with Sana and me during middle school, and she became my classmate too when I stepped into high school.

"Come, Y/N. Let's catch up." I sighed and followed her outside. I looked back to see Yujin looking at me curiously, and I only gave her a slight nod before closing the door.

She looked at me, and I'm not liking where this is going. "Long time no see, Y/N. I missed you so much."

"Get straight to the point, Mina. Someone might see us." I answered her coldly while looking away.

"So what? Why are you scared as if you cared when everyone in the school found out you fucked me?" She said while smirking.

"Don't fucking bring the past into this. And for your information, you're the one who begged for me to fuck you. What do you fucking want now?" She walked closer to me, so I stepped back. She continued to do that until I felt my back touching the wall.

"When I said I missed you, I missed you inside me. Let's do it again." She cupped my cheeks and tried kissing me. I panicked and held her shoulders, pushing her away, but she's too stubborn.

"Mina, stop. I have a fucking girlfriend." I told her the truth, but she isn't backing away. "Aren't you satisfied already?! We fucked each other until you left for Japan!" She leaned in, but I covered my mouth with my hand so that she couldn't kiss me. These lips belong to Sana and Sana only.

"Five years have passed, Y/N. It's your fault for making me come back to you." She said and attempted to kiss me again. I pushed her away a little harshly, making her stumble back, but at least she didn't fall.

"Mina, we can't do this anymore. We were only teenagers with raging hormones back then, so it's not the same now, and I found myself a girlfriend already."

"What the fuck are you two doing?" We turned our heads towards the voice and saw Sana deadly throwing daggers at me. I gulped the lump of my throat as nervousness came rushing onto me.

Fuck. I think we're going to break up without a week passing by. Why is Mina even doing here?!

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