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I groaned lowly when I opened my eyes, seeing the television playing in front of us. Shit. I fell asleep. I looked around and it's already morning while I was resting my head on Jimin's shoulder, his eyes are closed too.

Oh. It's not just me. The four of us fell asleep.

I stood up, stretched my limbs, and yawned in the process. I slapped everyone's cheek without force, just to wake them up from their sleep. Taehyung was the first one, followed by Minho and last was Jimin. 

"We watched for twelve hours that we didn't notice we fell asleep." Jimin said and groaned loudly making me kick his leg. He glared at me while I stuck my tongue out to him.

"What movie was playing before we fall asleep? I forgot." I asked, eyeing them as I anticipate their answers.

"Gay porn." I rolled my eyes at Jimin's answer and kicked his leg for the second time before walking away from them to wash my face.

When I finished, I came back with a towel and the three of them are still on the couch, the same position. I sat down beside Jimin again and checked my phone, and it has a lot of texts, missed calls from mostly two people.

Sana and Seokjin.

I frowned and decided to call her back, without checking the texts. I put my phone on my ear, and it was answered within seconds. "Sana, what happened?" I asked as I started to get worried.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?!" She shouted making me put my phone away from my left ear. "Fucking hell, Y/N! Yujin was rushed to the hospital!"

"What?!" My shout startled them. "What the fuck happened to Yujin?!"

"She was badly beaten up for fuck's sake!" I could feel my anger boiling as my grip on my phone got tighter. Who in the fucking fuck would beat a seventeen-year-old girl? I will make a hole in their fucking head.

"Then, there's another problem!" Sana continued. "When I came back to the hospital earlier, she wasn't there anymore! The room was empty and shit." Is that why I got calls from Seokjin? Thank God, what a relief! I thought she was kidnapped.

"Y/N, what the fuck is happening?"

"I'll call you back later, Sana."

"Y/N! Are you fu–" I hung up the call and dropped my phone on my lap, rummaging my hands up and down on my face because of the frustration I'm feeling.

There is something wrong with this. I feel that it wasn't just a random bitch who would beat her up. Unless she has enemies from her school but I doubt that. Yujin is a good kid.

"Guys, Yujin was beaten up and she's currently with Seokjin."

"What? Fuck. You need to inform Yoongi hyung about this." Taehyung said and I nodded. He was right. He needs to know what happened to Yujin. I opened my phone and went to my contacts, dialing his number. It took a lot of rings before he finally answered.

"Y/N? You never called this early. Is there something wrong?"

I took a deep breath. "It's about Yujin..."

"What about her?"

"I got a call from Sana. She said that Yujin was rushed in the hospital yesterday because she was beaten up, badly."

"I'm going back there now. How is she?"

"She's under Seokjin's care now so I think she's doing fine. Well, I hope she is." I sighed.

"Okay. I'll pack up my things now and we'll find them when I got back." He said and he was the one who ended the call. I stood up and shove my phone inside my pocket.

"I'll check on Yujin."

"Tell us about her condition later. Drive safe." I nodded and headed out, rushing towards my car that was in front of the gate of Yoongi's home. I quickly started the engine and drive away.

My phone started ringing again and it was Sana. I answered it and put it on speaker. "Sana, I'm driving."

She scoffed. "Okay, then what? You're going to search for Yujin? Would you even find a kidnapped kid in this big city?!"

"No. Do you want me to change my route and go there to you?"

"Y/N, what the hell. Why are you so calm when your sister was beaten up then abducted right after?!" She shouted. Yep, she is damn mad.

"Sana, baby, Yujin is fine. I know where is so calm the fuck down, okay?"

"Don't fucking flirt with me right now. Come here to our apartment and bring me to Yujin." She said, calmer this time. "Wait, did you just say you know where she is?!" Oh, I was wrong. She was back on being a madwoman.

"I arrived. I'll see you later."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I heard her say before I hung up the call. I unfastened my seatbelt, taking the key and phone with me before heading out of my car.

I walked towards the gate and rang the bell, waiting for someone to fetch me. The front door opened and it revealed Seokjin in his pajamas. I waved my hand when he made eye contact with me. I thanked him when he opened the gate.

"You must already know why I spammed you with calls." He said when we entered the house.

"Yeah. I called Sana before I got here." He hummed. "She thought that Yujin was kidnapped." I said and he chuckled, shaking his head. He guided me upstairs and we stopped in front of a white door.

"I think it's time for you to tell her, Y/N. She needs to know." He patted my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm planning to tell her soon." I replied. He gave me a small smile, squeezed my shoulder before leaving me alone to go to his bedroom. I twisted the doorknob open, my head peeping out as I see Yujin tucked into the sheets, no wires attached to her, and still asleep.

I made all the parts of my body inside and walked closer to Yujin. I scanned her face and she has a black eye, cuts on her upper cheeks and the root of her nose, and the side of her lip has dried blood.

I pulled the comforter down to her legs and checked her upper body. She was seriously beaten up. There are bruises on her arms and when I lifted her shirt, there's a big purple bruise on the side of her stomach.

Fucking son of a bitch. This was too much.

I covered her back with the comforter and sat there for a while, thinking about my life decisions before leaving her in her room. I went to see Seokjin in his room but he's sleeping, so I left the house without any noise and drove to our apartment.

I knocked on the door. "Wait up!" I heard footsteps from the other side and I prepared myself. The door opened and I toothy grinned when we locked eyes. She glared and dragged me inside.

She made me sit on the couch while she stood in front of me, her both hands gripping on her hips.

"Fucking explain." I gulped.

Time to tell her everything...

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