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"You're making me feel dizzy." Yujin expressed as she watched me pacing back and forth in the living room. I stopped as I looked at her with a defeated expression on my face, heaving a sigh. I plopped down beside her and played with my phone, swirling and tossing it in the air as I waited for Sana to call. It takes two hours to get to Japan, but it's been five hours since the heartbreaking incident happened. I called Sana's number five times already, but neither of the five got reciprocated.

I'm consoling myself that they might have fallen asleep once they arrived at their temporary apartment, but my other negative self says otherwise. I don't even know why I'm acting this way. I don't get why I'm worrying a lot when Sana is in good hands.

My thoughts disappeared into the air when my phone started ringing. I quickly checked who it was and smiled in happiness when I saw Yoongi's name. I pressed the accept button without hesitation before putting my phone close to my ear.

"Hello?" I greeted.

"Hey. I noticed that Sana's phone got bombarded with your calls, so I decided to call you. She's currently sleeping her tiredness away because we got lost on our way to the apartment. Her phone is also on mute."

"Why is her phone on mute?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I saw her put her phone on silent before the plane took off, so I'm sorry if we made you worry." He told me. "I'm going to take a rest now. I'm pretty sure Sana would call you once she's awake."

"Alright. Have a good rest."

"Thanks." I heard him say before he ended the call.

"See? I told you not to worry." Yujin said as she smacked the back of my head. The slapping sound rang over the room as I got surprised at her unexpected violence. I slowly turned my head towards her and glared straight into her mischievous eyes.

Before I even got to get a hold of her, she stood and ran for her life. She let out a fit of giggles and stuck her tongue out in my way before closing her bedroom door. I shook my head and continued to watch some shows on the TV.

A knock on the door interrupted my private time. I removed the remote off my lap and went to the window to check the person. I didn't get informed by anyone that they would come to my home, which made my curiosity went higher than it was. I peeked through the blinds sneakily, and my eyes almost bulged out of my eye sockets when I recognized who it was. Thank God I didn't open the door.

Nervousness and panic spread across my body as I sprinted inside my sister's room, and I got welcomed by Dahyun and Yujin standing in the middle of the room, playing darts. The dartboard hung on the left side of the room. Yujin stopped in her tracks as both of them noticed my figure at the doorway.

"Why do you looked traumatized?" Yujin asked as she snorted loudly. I didn't speak and held her wrist, dragging her out of the room. "Why are you acting so weird?" She asked.

"Mina is here." I whispered-yelled while pointing my finger to the door.

"Who the heck is Mina?" The confusion was written all over her face as she asked me that question. I looked at her in disbelief before groaning in frustration. Another continuous knock was heard, turning my panic mode on for real this time.

"Myoui Mina. The older sister of the guy you fought with!"

"Oh, that was her name? What about her?"

"I want you to open that door and tell her I'm not here."

"You're weird. Aren't you and Sana close with her?" I shook my head in denial and pushed her towards the door.

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