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"D-Did... did you just kissed me?" I asked as I got out of my trance. Her smile faded away and removed herself from my lap.

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to." She said, panicking.

"It's okay. I mean, because we were in such an intimate position maybe that's why..." I told her when I stood up from the chair. "Uh... let's just forget about it, okay? Don't worry too much."

"O-Okay." She said while looking down. An awkward silence filled the room, so I spoke to try removing it off.

"Let's go home together. I'll wait for you." She looked up to me and gave me a small smile. I helped her put on her mask again before we went out of the room with her going out first.

I headed back to the table and I noticed that they're still there, drinking and shit. Jeongin's the first one who saw me and waved his hand. The others saw him and followed his gaze.

I want to tear those smirks off of their faces.

"Mind telling us the experience with her," Jungkook asked as soon as I take a sit down.

"Nothing happened. She just performed a lap dance on me." I said.

"Boo. You're boring."

"Fuck off, Kook." He laughed. I giggled while shaking my head.

"We're about to go in a few. We're feeling the tiredness now. How about you?"

"I'll stay for a while." He nodded. "Do y'all need a ride?"

Jungkook shook his head. "Jimin is gonna fetch us. We're just waiting for him."

"Alright. I'll just go to the bar." I excused myself and headed back to the bar. I sat down on a stool right in front of where he is. Hyunjin looked up and welcomed me happily.


"Thank God! I'm not lonely anymore." He said making me laugh. He bent down to get something and when he came up, he handed me the same beer. I thanked him and quickly chugged on it.

"Who's that cute boy between those two pretty girls?" He asked me as he pointed with his mouth to the table where all of the members are. I smirked and leaned my head on my palm.

"His name's Jeongin."

"Cute." I nodded in agreement and a woman sat on the stool next to me and ordered her drink. She turned to me and smiled. I smiled back and quickly looked away, feeling heat rushing up my cheeks. It's the girl I've been eyeing from the distance since then! She's so damn pretty up close.

Is this what "love at first sight" is?

"Oh! Uh... Y/N, this is the club owner, Ms. Hirai Momo." So she's the owner, that's why I always see her so frequently. Momo took out her right hand and I shook it with a smile.

Her hand is so soft, I wonder if her lips are soft too.

"Ahn Y/N."

"Hirai Momo at your service."

It lasted a minute and I'm the first one to put my hand down. I looked away as I focused on the beer in front of me, trying to calm my heart whose beating faster than the average speed. This is also what I felt when Sana kissed me earlier.

"I've seen you a lot before. What do you think about my club?"

"It exceeded my expectations when I first came. The strippers are beautiful and the bartender is also beautiful." I said and Hyunjin playfully shoved me away making us burst into laughter.

"You forgot to tell her that Sana Minatozaki is your girlfriend." I widen my eyes at Hyunjin's statement and shook my head in disagreement.

"She's just a close friend of mine. She's also the reason why I go here."

"A lot of people, especially men goes here to see her along with Soojin. They go here almost every day because they thought Sana will show her face in one of the days."

Wow. The impact of Sana. "Don't let her show her face to the world. Those men will be more thirsty for her." Hyunjin said. I don't know whether he's serious or not but he got a point. I rather have her to myself.

"Yeah. The sales are always beyond average when Sana's here." Of course, this is all about money anyway. "I'll let them wait until they're bones and shit," Momo said and giggled.

That was cute.

"You better," I said and laughed, followed by Hyunjin laughing. We talked and talked until I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and it was a message from Sana, telling me that her shift is done.

"I need to go now. Her shift is done." I said and finished my beer. I was about to walk but Momo held my wrist stopping me.

"Can I have your number?" I nodded and typed my number on her phone. I smiled, opened my phone and she did the same. I gave my phone to Hyunjin and he was shocked. He smiled shyly and shoved me playfully as he did earlier.

"I rather not make a squirrel waiting." I laughed. He got what I meant and typed his phone number. I bid my farewell and quickly went out of the club, seeing Sana talking to the bouncer, totally different when she's on stage. She's wearing an oversized sweatshirt making her look so huggable.

"There's your escort." The bouncer said while looking at me. I smiled towards them and Sana made her way to me by jumping joyfully. We locked arms as I guided her towards my car. I took out the key from my pocket and unlocked it.

I opened the door and gestured her to enter. She gave me a confused look and I nodded, telling her using my eyes. She pulled me into her arms as she rested her chin on my shoulder. I was shocked at how she acted but I wrapped my arms around her back, caressing her hair.

"I'm so happy for you." She mumbled. I just hummed as we continue to feel each other's warmth. This feels so good and it's been so long when we shared a warm hug. I was the first one to remove myself from the embrace and I saw her smiling at me with a pool of tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

I wiped them off with my thumb and checked my phone. It stated midnight and another day of the year have started. I faced the screen of my phone to Sana and smiled widely.

"Happy 8th anniversary of our friendship."

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