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"Finally, you're awake." Sana presented her charming smile as soon my eyes opened. Was she waiting for me to wake up? That's sweet.

She hugged me when my eyes focused on her while my head is still processing all the things that occurred last night. "You passed out in Yujin's arms if you might be wondering about it." She informed.

"I did?" She hummed, so that's why I don't remember anything about falling asleep last night. I damn passed out. It made me think that all of them were only a nightmare I didn't like to have again.

"Where's Yujin?" I asked, and she looked up to meet my eyes.

"She's still sleeping. She got so worried about you last night. All of us did." She answered as I kissed her forehead. She grinned before snuggling closer to me, sending me warmth and relief.

"I'm sorry for making you worried. It was fucking hard to keep my sane in touch as quickly as I saw Dad." I told her, and I immediately got a "No" from her while shaking her head.

"It's okay. Cloud rains when things get heavy too." She moved to my top, cupped my cheeks, and gave me a five-second-long peck on my lips. Sana knew what she's doing as she smiled in triumph when she saw my mouth curved upward. "Don't be sorry. It must have been hard for you to witness everything. I love you."

"That's Dad's words before he shot himself." I told her and chuckled bitterly. I closed my eyes and heaved a sigh to stop myself from breaking down for the nth time. His words stung me a lot as applying alcohol to an open wound.

I opened my eyes and met by Sana staring back at me. "But, why? Why do you love me? Every part of me isn't something one should love."

"There's no reason, Y/N." She answered with her eyes still on me. "If there is a reason to love, that means the love changes when the reason is gone. I loved you without any reason."

How she sounded so sincere made me bashful suddenly, which made me wrap my arms around her. I don't want her to see my stupid smile, and I know I'm red as a tomato right now. She must have noticed it as she chuckled and hugged me back. "Don't ask me anymore why I love you because we'll never know why."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Are you hungry?" Sana spoke after we stayed in silence for minutes. I shrugged my shoulders as a reply and changed our position. I'm finally on top of her before nuzzling into her neck. "I think my darling's hungry. Do you want to eat me?" She told me in another language, making me look at her in confusion.

"I don't speak Japanese. Come again?" She smirked and shook her head. "What is it? Tell me."

"I said, I think you're hungry, so do you want me to cook for you? Because I found a new recipe." I eyed her suspiciously, but she only smiled and stole a peck on my nose. "You're cute." She then removed herself from the embrace and hopped off the bed.

"Thanks." I stated as if it's an obvious fact. She gave me a flying kiss before she flew out of our room. I stretched before I decided to take a shower. I hope that could wash away the anguish I'm feeling.


"Why are you dressed up?" Sana asked me when she turned around after she pried the lid off the can of Spam. "If you're telling me that you're going back to work after the stuff that happened last night, then it's a no for me. I know you're a strong person, baby, but you need to have a break."

She sighed when I didn't answer. "You could go back to whatever you're doing tomorrow. Give yourself a break, even only for this day, Y/N." She continued.

"What if I don't want to?" I asked, testing her.

She pulled me by my shirt and moved back until she got to lean on the counter. "Then, kiss my ass first." I smirked and acted like I was about to pull her shorts down to prank her. Her seductive look got replaced with a shocked one as she loosened her grip off my shirt slowly.

"What a pleasant sight, now my day got officially ruined." I turned around and saw Yujin shaking her head in disappointment. I laughed aloud before kissing Sana's forehead.

"Why am I always going to the kitchen at the wrong time? Let your room be your love's nest, not the kitchen. Ugh. Read the room." She clicked her tongue in irritation and proceeded to get a bag of snacks in the cabinet.

"Anyways, are you going to cook fried rice?" Sana nodded while Yujin's eyes fixed on the raw Spam on the cutting board. "Okay." She then left the area and sat on the couch.

"Nice prank." Sana sarcastically said that made me crack up. Her back faced me as she started chopping the meat into small bits. "I didn't even mean it that way, you dirty-minded bastard."

"But, you like it."

"Shut up." She didn't even deny my statement, making me shake my head. "Don't change your clothes, by the way. You look hot, and you'll be fluffy for cuddles." 

"I'm not even planning to." I replied before leaving her alone in the kitchen. Minjoo and Tzuyu walked out of the room together with their hair up at the same time when I sat down beside my sister.

They looked like real sisters, or am I tripping?

We watched the TV together, with Tzuyu clinging onto me until Sana announced that she finished cooking. Minjoo and Sana prepared the table while Yujin and I placed the cooked dishes that my lovely girlfriend made on the dining table.

We settled down and said, "Thank you for the food" together before eating in silence, but we got disrupted by a doorbell a few minutes later. I furrowed my brows in curiosity because that mustn't be one of the gang members or Yoongi himself, or I'll be disappointed that they broke our deal.

Since I'm also the one closest to the door, I volunteered to open the door, and I was met by Dahyun hugging my waist. She's bawling her eyes out and was sobbing loudly. I have a gut feeling, and I'm trusting them on this one. "What happened?" I asked her once she calmed down.

She wiped her tears before looking up at me. "They told me everything." She answered. I only nodded and caressed her back in a comforting manner. I knew it. I knew they would tell Dahyun about this.

"Y/N, what is happening?" Yujin asked, and they all looked equally confused as her.

"Yujin-ah... Dahyun is our half-sister."

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